Category Archives: Photoshop Tricks


What’s In My Bag? Africa, 2024

It’s time for a NEW “What’s In My Bag, Africa Edition!” Video!

This is the 2024 version so you can see what I currently bring to Africa – and why! We’ll talk cameras, lenses, accessories, computers, backup, and even clothing choices! I also include some alternative ideas for cameras and …

Also posted in Nikon Gear, Opinions, Photo Trips, Techniques, Travel Tips, Wildlife

Too Close? Unlock The Power Of Wildlife Panos!

Have you ever found yourself too close to your wildlife subject? You go to frame up your critter and discover you’re in way too tight for a useable shot. I know, the opposite problem is far more prevalent, but there are times an animal pops out of nowhere or approaches …

Also posted in Techniques, Using Your Gear, Wildlife

Game Changer: Keep Multiple Animals Sharp At The Same Time

Have you ever run into a situation where you had multiple animals in the frame and just couldn’t find a way to keep them all sharp at the same time – even when you stopped down?

This is actually a really common problem for close and mid-range shots of small …

Also posted in Techniques, Wildlife

Quick Photoshop Fix For A Tight Crop

Have you ever cropped a little too tight in the field? Do you wish there was an simple way to fix it? Well, you’re gonna love this quick, easy technique!

In this video, you’ll learn how to quickly fix a photograph that’s cropped a little too close on one side …


Video Workshop – Focus Shift Shooting (Nikon)

Have you ever wanted to try Nikon’s Focus Shift Shooting and just weren’t sure where to start?  

Have you ever wondered… 

What is Focus Shift Shooting? How do I use it? How do I set the menu? How do I set the camera? How do I know what to do in the …

Also posted in Lightroom Tips, Misc, Nikon Gear, Techniques, Using Your Gear, Workshop

The BCG College Of Photo Education :)

Since so many of us are locked away in our homes, I thought I’d put together a “master list” of the various articles and videos found on this site. Below, you’ll find a long list of categories and the posts that go with them. There are hours of video and …

Also posted in Astrophotography, How I Got The Shot, Landscapes, Lightroom Tips, Locations, Misc, Nikon Gear, Opinions, Photo Trips, Reviews, Sony Gear, Techniques, Tests, Travel Tips

All About Your Camera’s Crop Modes

First, let’s get one thing out in the open – I’m not a fan of cropping and I normally tend to avoid it as much as possible. So please don’t take the remainder of this article as some kind of an endorsement for reckless pixel pruning, it’s really not. 

Don’t …

Also posted in Techniques, Using Your Gear, Wildlife

New Video Workshop – Noise Reduction Using LR & PS

For a LONG time now, I’ve had people asking if I was ever going to do a post-processing guide of some sort. I have gone back and forth on it, waffling between e-books and videos, and finally decided to do a video series. (I just think that for post processing, …


Use Photoshop To Blur Out Backgrounds

I’m a sucker for a nice, clean background. In my opinion, nothing ruins a wildlife shot (or portrait shot, if you roll that way), faster than a busy, distracting background. 

The thing is, it wasn’t that long ago that if you wanted to do wildlife, fast glass and full frame …

Also posted in Wildlife Tagged , , |

How I Got The Shot – Storm Warning

It was a dark and stormy night.

There I did it. I know it’s painfully cliché but I’ve always wanted to start an article with that old line. Although, in this case, it truly was a dark and stormy night. I remember it just like it was yesterday.

I had …

Also posted in How I Got The Shot, Landscapes, Techniques, Using Your Gear Tagged , , |