Category Archives: Opinions


Nikon Z6iii: The Story Behind The Photos (and a goldmine of field techniques

In my last video, we covered a complete first-look review of the new Nikon Z6iii for wildlife and bird photography. In this video, we’ll examine how I leveraged the Z6iii in the field to help me get the shots for the review video and a ton of wildlife field …

Also posted in Nikon Gear, Reviews, Techniques, Using Your Gear, Wildlife

Nikon Z6iii First Look Review For Wildlife And Bird Photographers

The Nikon Z6iii is here – and this is the review every wildlife and bird photographer is gonna want to see!

In this review, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the new camera: ergonomics, price, shipping date, the new sensor, ISO performance, buffer performance, frame rate, rolling shutter, …

Also posted in Nikon Gear, Reviews, Tests, Wildlife

Is Technology Destroying Photography?

Is technology killing photography?

Warning – you might not like what I have to say.

In this short video, I’ll share my perspective on it and why I believe many view technology as a challenge. I’ll discuss our past, our future, and what I believe is truly unfolding. I’ll also …

Also posted in Misc, Using Your Gear, Wildlife

What’s In My Bag? Africa, 2024

It’s time for a NEW “What’s In My Bag, Africa Edition!” Video!

This is the 2024 version so you can see what I currently bring to Africa – and why! We’ll talk cameras, lenses, accessories, computers, backup, and even clothing choices! I also include some alternative ideas for cameras and …

Also posted in Nikon Gear, Photo Trips, Photoshop Tricks, Techniques, Travel Tips, Wildlife

Exclusive: Nikkor 90th Anniversary Interview

As many of my readers know, Nikon is commemorating the 90th anniversary of its Nikkor lenses, which is a perfect time to reflect on what an astonishing journey it’s been. From the first Aero-Nikkor in 1933 to the modern lenses we use today, it’s a rich legacy of glass that’s …

Also posted in Nikon Gear

First Week With The Z8: Don’t Buy One Until You See THIS!

I’ve had the Z8 for just over a week and there is a LOT to talk about! With the shipment date getting closer all the time, here’s what YOU need to know before your camera arrives!

In this video, I’ll talk about how the Z8 has performed over the past …

Also posted in Nikon Gear, Reviews, Tests

Back Button AF With Mirrorless AM I CRAZY?

Once upon a time, when DSLRs roamed the land, Back Button AF was the automatic go-to for many – even most – photographers. However, with mirrorless taking over at a blistering pace, things are changing. Many are questioning the wisdom of using BBAF and, indeed, many have switched back to …

Also posted in Techniques, Using Your Gear, Wildlife

6 Wildlife Photography Mistakes EVERYONE Makes! (OK, almost everyone!)

Are you blowing it?

Over the years, I’ve witnessed (and committed) my fair share of wildlife photography mistakes and there are six of them that I see over and over. These wildlife photography mistakes often seem minor at the time, but they can have a devastating impact on the quality …

Also posted in Techniques, Using Your Gear, Wildlife

Nikon Z9: Features That Really Crank Up The Keeper Rate!

One question I’m constantly asked is, “How are you using your Z9 in the field for wildlife work?”

This video answers that question. 🙂

I was originally going to do “just another Z9 review,” but the truth is I think at this point a video that talks about how the …

Also posted in Nikon Gear, Techniques, Wildlife

Top Ten Traits Of Great Wildlife Photographers

How many of the top ten do you have?

Over the decades, I’ve watched, learned from, and shot with countless fantastic wildlife photographers. In that time, I’ve compiled a list of the top ten traits I see from the best shooters and I want to share it with you. These …

Also posted in Techniques, Using Your Gear, Wildlife