Back Button AF With Mirrorless AM I CRAZY?

Once upon a time, when DSLRs roamed the land, Back Button AF was the automatic go-to for many – even most – photographers. However, with mirrorless taking over at a blistering pace, things are changing. Many are questioning the wisdom of using BBAF and, indeed, many have switched back to shutter release AF.

Should you?

In this video, we’ll discuss why BBAF is less important for mirrorless shooters than it is for DSLR fans. We’ll also talk about why it still might be the best option for some shooters – myself included.

Should you use BBAF with mirrorless? Let’s find out!

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age of war
20 days ago

I hope you keep giving the community great material

aa route planner
1 year ago

On mirrorless cameras, the AF (Auto Focus) back button is usually attached to the button on the back of the camera or on the focus mode control button. The exact location of this button may vary depending on the design of the camera model.

Tom Fields
1 year ago

I use BBAF almost exclusively for birds inflight and/or other bird shooting opportunities, for wildlife, and for the occasional landscape. I used it on my DSLR. Recently, I have switched to the Olympus mirrorless system (OM-1). On the switch, I just continued with the BBAF use. It just seems natural for me.
When in the field, there is so much more for me to be attentive to, I do not want the camera jumping in and out of focus and distracting from the action I am trying to capture.

Bonnie Fisher
Bonnie Fisher
1 year ago

I use back button. Do I need to keep it depressed when a bird takes flight?

1 year ago

Steve, I had a bump that looked similar to the one on the right side of your nose. It turned out to be cancerous. Please get it checked out.

Simon Shutter
Simon Shutter
1 year ago

I’m with you Steve. BBAF is a much more natural way to shoot, whether DSLR or ML.