Category Archives: Opinions


How To Nail The Shot: Tanzania Edition

And now for something a little different 🙂

Sometimes I think one of the best ways to get better at wildlife photography is to study how other photographers approach their shots. You know, what settings they use, why they use them, what they are thinking in the field – that …

Also posted in How I Got The Shot, Locations, Techniques, Travel Tips, Wildlife

Why Good Photos Are The Enemy Of Great Photos

Over the years I’ve watched a familiar pattern play out time and again. I’ve witnessed it in the field watching other photographers, in my workshops, and with my online interactions. Photographers frequently give up a great shot because they already have a good shot.

Here’s what happens.

Often when a …

Also posted in How I Got The Shot, Travel Tips, Wildlife

Mirrorless Advantages (and disadvantages) For Wildlife Photography

Are you a wildlife photographer kicking around the idea of switching to mirrorless – or at least maybe adding a mirrorless camera to your bag? Do you wonder what, if any, the advantages are for wildlife photography? Is it just hype or are there real benefits that could help you …

Also posted in Using Your Gear, Wildlife

Wildlife Photographers: Is It Time To Ditch Your DSLR?

Hey wildlife photographers! Is it time to ditch your DSLR and move to mirrorless?

This is a question many have been contemplating and one that lands in my inbox on a daily basis. In this video we’ll examine all the pros and cons – plus I’ll give you my advice …

Also posted in Wildlife

Does Gear Matter? The Three Pillars Of A Great Image

As photographers, we tend to get a little misty-eyed when we daydream of our next gear purchase. We’re constantly obsessing about the newest camera or the latest lens – or even what releases our favorite brand has in store for us in the coming months.

And let’s face it, we’re …


Nikon Z6ii and Z7ii Wildlife Photography Review

Thinking about a Z6ii or Z7ii for wildlife? Then this is the video you’ve been looking for!

In this video, I’ll discuss my experience using the Z6/7ii for wildlife photography. I’ve shot in various local locations and knocked out over 7000 images between the two bodies, so this isn’t just …

Also posted in Nikon Gear, Reviews, Tests, Wildlife

How I Got The Shot: Flying Lambs

4:00 AM, Badlands National Park.

The world is peaceful and silent, save for my iPhone alarm jolting us out of bed. Time to head out and see if my wife and I can track down some adorable bighorn lambs. We’d spotted them in the same place a couple days in …

Also posted in How I Got The Shot, Nikon Gear, Photo Trips, Techniques, Using Your Gear, Wildlife

The BCG College Of Photo Education :)

Since so many of us are locked away in our homes, I thought I’d put together a “master list” of the various articles and videos found on this site. Below, you’ll find a long list of categories and the posts that go with them. There are hours of video and …

Also posted in Astrophotography, How I Got The Shot, Landscapes, Lightroom Tips, Locations, Misc, Nikon Gear, Photo Trips, Photoshop Tricks, Reviews, Sony Gear, Techniques, Tests, Travel Tips

Has Mirrorless Killed Back Button AF?

So, there I was, diligently working on a Z series version of my AF book when I came to the Back Button AF (BBAF) chapter. Within moments I found myself running head-long into an instructional blockade.

As I was confidently outlining the benefits of BBAF, it occurred to me that …

Also posted in Techniques, Using Your Gear

RAW Vs Jpeg: Everything You Need To Know

At one time or another, we all face the dilemma – RAW or Jpeg? Have you ever found yourself wondering if you’re shooting the best format for your work? Do you really know the advantages and disadvantages of each format?

In the video below, I’ll explain everything you need to …

Also posted in Nikon Gear, Sony Gear, Techniques, Using Your Gear