Category Archives: Tests


The Cropping Epidemic

I see it all the time – lens jockeys hacking off pixels and tossing them out like they were last week’s kitty litter. It pains me to witness such rampant cropping with so little regard for the consequences – especially since I know how potentially devastating it is to a photo. …

Also posted in Techniques, Using Your Gear, Wildlife

Nikon D7500 Review (with D500 and D7200 Comparison)

It’s Here! The D7500 review you’ve been waiting for! This in-depth review comes after a solid month of using the camera professionally in the field as my primary body for wildlife photography.

In this video, we’ll take a comprehensive look at the D7500 from a wildlife photographer’s perspective, as well as …

Also posted in Nikon Gear, Reviews, Wildlife

Comparison Test – A Crop Camera vs A 1.4x Teleconverter On Full Frame

So, what’s better – using a 1.4 teleconverter on a full frame camera or, when you need the extra “reach,” switching on a crop camera instead?

Well, there’s a lot to consider, and the video below covers it all and then some! We’ll look at several sharpness scenarios as well …

Also posted in Techniques, Using Your Gear

Lens Sharpness Testing

NOTE: I’ve had a few comments / e-mails asking if this is how I AF fine tune my lenses. I wanted to mention before you start the article that this testing technique is NOT for that purpose. This is simply for sharpness testing between optics, not for AF fine tuning. For AF fine tuning, I use …

Also posted in Misc, Techniques

All About UV Filters

UV filters – do you need them or not?

It’s a question that comes up all the time in photography circles with usually about half the people thinking they need UV filters and the other half thinking the fist half is crazy! So, what’s the truth?

To find out, I …

Also posted in Techniques, Using Your Gear Tagged , |

Nikon 80-400 Vs 300mm vs 70-200mm + TCs

With the long awaited update of the Nikon 80-400mm now a reality, I know there are truckloads of wildlife photographers asking, “What’s the best option to get to 400mm?”

Now, if you’re searching for a full-on review of the 80-400mm, you’ll need to look elsewhere This article is going to …

Also posted in Reviews Tagged , , |