Category Archives: Photo Trips


7 More Of The Best Nikon Tricks Ever

First some backstory.

About 10 months ago, I created a video called The 7 Best Nikon Tricks Ever. This video has become my most popular upload with nearly 1 million views already. 

Well, as it turns out, when I did that last video I had a lot more than …

Also posted in Nikon Gear, Techniques, Using Your Gear Tagged , , , |

Taking Terns

When my D850 review came out, I received more than a few nice comments about the tern photos in that video – frequently followed by questions asking how I captured them. So, I thought I’d try something new and put together a short article all about “how I got the shot.” …

Also posted in How I Got The Shot, Locations, Techniques, Using Your Gear, Wildlife Tagged , , |

Nikon D850 Review

It’s finally here!

The long-awaited Nikon D850 review is finally finished! It took me 11 states, two countries, eight weeks, and 16,000 images to get it done, but here it is! This is a true field test loaded with real world examples, advice, and tons of tips for getting the …

Also posted in Nikon Gear, Opinions, Reviews

Get The Most From Nikon’s Auto AF Fine Tune System

Do you have a Nikon camera that features Auto AF Fine Tune? If so, then this video is just what you need to get the most from it!

When Auto AF Fine Tune first came it, it was pretty exciting – In fact, I think we all had visions of …

Also posted in Nikon Gear, Techniques, Using Your Gear

Reading And Understanding Histograms In Photography

Want to know one of the secrets to perfect exposure? 
One word: Histograms
Sure, it sounds a little intimidating at first, like something your high school math teacher would force on your tired brain first thing Monday morning, but I promise, it’s way easier than it sounds. Plus,
Also posted in Techniques, Using Your Gear Tagged , |

Yellowstone Trip Journal (fall 2014)

Note: This was originally a three part post on the old website, however, I have combined those posts and below I present the trip in its entirety. 


OK, so I was searching for something on my computer the other day and came across my trip journal from my fall


Polar Bear Trip 2012

We’re BACK!

Grant (my 11-year-old son) and I just came back from our Polar Bear trip to Churchill, Manitoba, Canada!

As some of you may recall, I won this trip from the 2011 World Wildlife Fund Photo Contest. My shot, “Mesa Arch Sunrise” took the grand prize in the landscape …


Death Valley Spring 2012

Day 1

Alright, first off welcome to our little trip. Grant and I decided to head out to Death Valley for his Spring Break this year. We flew into Vegas yesterday with the idea of checking out a couple of the local hotspots just outside town (photographic hot spots, just …