The 7 Best Nikon Tricks Ever!

(Note – the tips in this video are intended for mid-to-pro range bodies and not for the D3xxx and D5xxx series).

So, for the last few months I’ve been neck-deep in Nikonland while working on the Nikon AF guide. As I dove through the menus, I started thinking about all the ways I like to customize my camera(s) – and this idea was born. 

You see, over the years, I have uncovered quite a few handy customizations for my Nikons and it seems like whenever I show these to people, the reaction is always the same: They immediately want to know how the heck I did those cool little tricks! So, I made a list of all my favorites and after some deliberation finally narrowed it down to what I feel are the seven most useful tricks. 

So, I’ve put together the video below – see what you think. And hey, feel free to share your favorite customizations as well. This may only be the first of several videos – I have a few more tricks up my sleeve 🙂

Finally, note that not every camera will support every tip and trick in the video. 



If you enjoyed this article, I think you’ll REALLY like my e-books, Secrets To Stunning Wildlife Photography and Secrets To The Nikon Autofocus System. They’re filled with hundreds of pages of information just like this. Check it out – click here (hey, it’s free to look 🙂 )


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Jean-Pierre Decoster
Jean-Pierre Decoster
3 years ago

To very usefull books. I love them.

Bill Schmidtgall
Bill Schmidtgall
3 years ago

have, love and learn from your books. Great teaching style.

Bernie Kravitz
Bernie Kravitz
4 years ago

Great resources. I Wish all your books were as a video option.

7 years ago

Thanks for the great video! I’ve been using some of the tricks already. 🙂 On D7200 I set up the rear dial to switch ISO without having to press any buttons, while the front dial is set to scroll though the images one by one. On D7500 with its handy ISO button, I actually programmed the REC button to switch between the metering modes. A trick for video on D7500 in video mode – program the Fn1 and Fn2 buttons to electronically open and close the aperture respectively. That works noselessly and without visible exposure steps that are seen when… Read more »

7 years ago

Hi Steve, I bought your pdf on NIkon AF system, I follow you a bit, work as a nikon photographer here in italy, I like how you do your business, I’ll tell you how I got your job, a greeting from Italy.

  PS sorry my bad English

Tom Fish
Tom Fish
7 years ago

Thanks Mr Perry
my cameras r d33000 and now my better one D 5500 Very good but gives me some fun , thanks for the you tube … I am learning manual mode
I shoot Birds in Flying or sitting on the ground ready to fly … Any way THANKS AGAIN AND AGAIN

7 years ago

Great video!
I’m very enthusiastic about the video on the 7 best tips for Nikon. Could you tell me how to execute these tips on the Nikon D610?

Roger Brunette
Roger Brunette
7 years ago

I have a D5200. Most of the tricks do not work on this camera. What books will help with this particular camera. Which camera are you using in the tips?

Albert Vieten
Albert Vieten
7 years ago

Hello Steve, I have read your two books and found both great and instructive. The tricks for Nikon AF helped me a lot, I applied to my camera a Nikon 7200 a few weeks ago and am thrilled. I am a fan from Germany and I am always curious to hear news from you.

7 years ago

Hello Steve, I always enjoy learning from you so thank you.

7 years ago

Is this auto focus book available for PC and a Laptop. Alan

Charlie Z
Charlie Z
7 years ago

Steve: Of many good ones, this is one of the most useful videos on YouTube. I’ve been shooting Nikons since 1979 and still need to review AF systems periodically just to make sure I’m using them right. This video is a quick, direct refresher that I need. Thanks! – Charlie PS: It might be a AF related bug only with the D3s, but I’ve not found any confirmation of it: A6 Focus point illumination > “Continuous mode” switch does not seem to do anything. I cannot turn off the focus square. It works for the “Manual focus mode” selection, but… Read more »

Anthony Santiago
Anthony Santiago
7 years ago

Great stuff man, Just keep doing it…..

Niaz Ahmed
Niaz Ahmed
7 years ago

Hi ,I love u watch your video all ways on U-Tube which is very help full for like a new to photography I have a question Do u have a that new book which just come out recently ,I wanted in a book formate not in Ebook ,pls advice so I can order ,thanks

7 years ago

Hi Steve
Well done on your new book, a real treasure trove.
A quick question off topic, have you used a teleconverter on the Nikon 200-500mm with the D500, and if so what is it worth the extra reach albeit that focusing maybe slower, or is it better to crop?

Bill Graham
Bill Graham
7 years ago


I enjoy watching your videos but ferCrissakes can you cut the volume on the intro music?


Magnus Svärd
Magnus Svärd
7 years ago

Hi Steve and thank you for doing so great E-books they are well done and easy to follow keep up the great work!!! I have a question as well. I own both the d5 and the d500, I love the d5 in every aspect of it but got the d500 to be one to go to for dx and when I felt I needed a lighter camera. And it works just fine in the hand but when I get the pictures in the computer the pictures have far more noice. So my question is what kind of raw converter do… Read more »

Magnus Svärd
Magnus Svärd
7 years ago
Reply to  Magnus Svärd

Thanks for your quick answer Steve. I will look into topaz to see what it can do for me. I want to be able to use the d500 more since apart from this is a very nice camera with frame speed, good autofocus and the crop factor benefit with my 600mm.

7 years ago

Hello Steve, I always enjoy reading and learning from you so thank you. My problem is that I’ve had a stroke on my right side and have no feeling or control there. I have a D500 and am still keen on Bird photography etc. I have to use basically all the controls with my left hand whilst holding the camera by a pistol grip attached to the tripod socket in my right. It works very well but I have a much slower speed of reaction than before! Some people reckon that at last I have an excuse for this limitation!… Read more »

7 years ago

Hi Steve,
Like others I have both you eBooks and really appreciate them. Your tips are an incredible aid in demystifying the menu system. Thanks for the help.

Russell Strauss
Russell Strauss
7 years ago

I have both your books and have learned an amazing amount. I have a nikon D500 and am trying to be able to change the iso using the record button and the command dial. I do not have that option on my D500 and would appreciate if you could let me know how to do this on my camera.
Thank you, Russell Strauss [email protected]

Russell Strauss
Russell Strauss
7 years ago

I feel dumb, thanks.

Tom Lee
Tom Lee
7 years ago

I’m working my way through and enjoying the Nikon autofocus e-book but these quick tips are really cool. Yet again Steve gives practical and useful tips in an easy to understand way. I love this channel. From Sussex England.

Robert Wheeler
Robert Wheeler
7 years ago

In my D800, [Menu -> Custom Settings -> Controls -> Multi-selector center button -> Live View -> Zoom on/off -> OK] achieves the goal of setting up zooming to 100% in Live View by using that button.

Also would like to add, Steve’s eBook on the Nikon autofocus system is excellent, with many useful points even for a long-time Nikon user. Well worth buying!

Joann Long
7 years ago

I have both of your e-books and love watching all of your videos. No nonsense, well presented, helpful information! Always learning from you. I tell all my photo buddies about your work! Especially liked the Nikon focused instruction! Thanks so much!

7 years ago


Great tips. They should come in handy!

7 years ago

I have both of your e-books and watch all of your videos. Always learning from you. Keep up the great work. As for Craig Keever’s question, I have the 800e and the quick zoom works for me in Live Mode as well as preview mode. I just set it per your instructions and tried it. Great tip.

Ron Machado
Ron Machado
7 years ago

Thanks again Steve for taking your time to share with us your tips and experience. Just finished both books and thoroughly enjoyed each one! Keep on shooting and posting. Are you back from you Spring trips? Where are you heading to now in the late spring and early summer? Cheers. R

7 years ago

Tips are great. So is the new auto focus book.

7 years ago

I have a D7000 and do not find the settings option for trick number 1?

Craig Keever
Craig Keever
7 years ago

Does the quick zoom in Live Mode trick work with the D800e? I’ve tried to set it up several times but no success.

mark lee
mark lee
7 years ago
Reply to  Steve Perry

Tips are great, I hope I can remember to use them. Live view quick zoom works on my 800, thanks

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