Spot Metering Crash Course

Wanna get the most out of your spot meter? Did you know that most people think they’re using it correctly but they really aren’t? YIKES – could that be you???

In this video, we’ll go over what spot metering is, where the camera spot meters in the viewfinder, how the spot meter thinks, where it works well and where it lets you down – and why. We’ll also look at ways to outsmart the spot meter and get great exposures with it in ANY situation.

Just think – in less than 15 minutes, you’ll know everything you need to spot meter like a pro!


PS – If you enjoyed this post, I think you’ll REALLY like my e-books and video workshops! Thousands of pages and hours of videos filled with tips, tricks, and techniques – all my best content! Check ’em out – click here (hey, it’s free to look).

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9 months ago

Thank I love the simplicity it easy to understand

4 years ago

I watched your view and did the appropriate changes to my Nikon D7500. The only issue was that after the set the “hold” my back button focus did not work. What did I do wrong?

4 years ago

Very nicely illustrated video. I used to work the way you discribe (spot + compensation) at the times I was shooting Fujichrome.
Now I stick to matrix (I never fly from one option to another, taking the risk to forget it on the next series and ruin the whole thing) and still compensate at the proper value with the experience. Very efficient, always a winner !

4 years ago

Thank you Steve, your videos and books are very precious!

4 years ago

Awesome Steve. Never miss your videos. Love your Auto focus book

Jerry Klumpp
Jerry Klumpp
4 years ago

Thanks for the tips Steve. I’ve been using spot metering for some time but didn’t realize the spot was a larger than the focus point.

Bill Schmidtgall
Bill Schmidtgall
4 years ago

Have your books, wonderful education of what and how. Love your style. Thanks,

Jay Binkly
4 years ago

Your tutorials are great. Clear, concise, practical information. I like how you get straight to the point without fanfare, bring the music up special effects intro. You should receive some kind of award.

PS. I’m a Nikoner as well.

4 years ago

That was EXCELLENT, Steve and “thank you” very much for clearing this up. Much appreciated!!!!

David Burns
David Burns
4 years ago

Excellent Steve. Nicely done.

Best wishes,


Mike Gifford
4 years ago

Steve, as always, great quick tips! I have your Nikon focus tips course and appreciate the work. Keep it up! Thanks!

4 years ago

Thanks for the great tips.

David Sneddon
David Sneddon
4 years ago

Steve a quick point if I may, each time I try to “like” your videos it takes me to a Facebook page log in, I don’t have/want Facebook is there any other way to “like”?

David Sneddon
David Sneddon
4 years ago
Reply to  Steve Perry

No worries then Steve and I do like them all, every one. 🙂

Scott Manning
Scott Manning
4 years ago
Reply to  Steve Perry

If you go to Yourube, you can “YouTube like” them. (Thumbs Up). Click on the YouTube button bottom right of the video to watch it in YouTube and give thumbs up.

David Sneddon
David Sneddon
4 years ago
Reply to  Steve Perry

Another good point. Thanks Steve.

David Sneddon
David Sneddon
4 years ago
Reply to  David Sneddon

Done on YouTube Steve.

David Sneddon
David Sneddon
4 years ago
Reply to  Scott Manning

Thanks Scott, good point.

David Sneddon
David Sneddon
4 years ago
Reply to  David Sneddon

Done on YouTube Scott, excellent.

David Sneddon
David Sneddon
4 years ago

Every day with you Steve is a great school day. Straight to the point as always. I almost always use spot metering, LBB shooter and use matrix when I am struggling or the camera is struggling with my exposure. As you always say one size does not fit all. Excellent video again Steve.

4 years ago

Good job, Steve. I’ve enjoyed all your free and paid videos, to date.

Hans Petter Wiken
Hans Petter Wiken
4 years ago

Wow! Great tips! I had no idea that this is how spot/matrix-metering works.

Gary Erbeck
Gary Erbeck
4 years ago

So, before your most excellent video on spot metering, I presumed or thought that I “understood” how it worked. Alas, it turns out I mistook confusion for understanding. Now, however, I can truly say that I get the concepts and constructs of spot metering and given about 6 more views of the video I might be able to convince myself that I know enough to know what I don’t know. Props on a great and timely video; the white, grey, black card experiments were key for me to be able to make progress. So, thanks Steve.

Gary Haigh
Gary Haigh
4 years ago

I hardly use Spot metering at all for wildlife as by the time I get it fixed my mind which way the exposure needs to go on contrasty subjects the animal or bird has usually vanished as they don’t hang around waiting for me to get organised. Like you rightly said though Steve, picture the world as 18% Gray and you should be able to get a handle on spot metering.
Stay well

4 years ago

Thanks a lot Steve. Always great content and presentation here

Peter Oosthuizen
Peter Oosthuizen
4 years ago

Thanks Steve – always “spot” on 🙂

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