Mirrorless Shooters: Critical Advice About Battery Life

If you’re a mirrorless shooter, you no doubt have noticed that battery life isn’t quite the same as what we had with our DLSRs. In this video, I’ll cover better ways to measure battery life with our mirrorless cameras and show you how to leverage that information into realistic decisions about your power requirements in the field. In addition, I’ll also share my top eight tips for prolonging battery life in your mirrorless camera. It’s a must-see for every mirrorless shooter.

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Chaz Harrison
Chaz Harrison
10 months ago

Exactly my experience, a morning spent walking around London and taking a few shots of buildings emptied the battery of my Z8 (54 shots) – a brief visit to a bird reserve – burst shooting (457) shots – and only two bars used.

Notar Frechen
1 year ago

Thanks for sharing your knowledge. After watching your vid I switched to airplane mode on my A7 III and the difference is crazy. Cheers!

Sanjay Gupta
Sanjay Gupta
1 year ago

All your videos are good. This was especially good for me and am sure for others.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sanjay Gupta
avatar game
1 year ago

Excellent, steve! It impressed me a lot.

David Burns
David Burns
1 year ago

Thank you Steve! Much appreciated as ever.

Mark Langner
Mark Langner
1 year ago

Great tips Steve. I should be a little more diligent. I’m guilty of long searches for wildlife with my camera on and slung over my shoulders. I am curious…my Canon has the battery grip with two batteries, but the battery indicator in the EVF just has one battery level icon. Do you know if the two batteries drain down at the same time, or in sequence ? Just curious. Something I do since I have two R5 bodies and 4 batteries for each, 8 total, is I used a labeler and labeled the batteries B1 through B8, and tend to… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Mark Langner
David Sneddon
David Sneddon
1 year ago

First class Steve, EVF priority for me , excellent