Category Archives: Travel Tips


What’s In My Bag? Africa, 2024

It’s time for a NEW “What’s In My Bag, Africa Edition!” Video!

This is the 2024 version so you can see what I currently bring to Africa – and why! We’ll talk cameras, lenses, accessories, computers, backup, and even clothing choices! I also include some alternative ideas for cameras and …

Also posted in Nikon Gear, Opinions, Photo Trips, Photoshop Tricks, Techniques, Wildlife

How To Nail The Shot: Tanzania Edition

And now for something a little different 🙂

Sometimes I think one of the best ways to get better at wildlife photography is to study how other photographers approach their shots. You know, what settings they use, why they use them, what they are thinking in the field – that …

Also posted in How I Got The Shot, Locations, Opinions, Techniques, Wildlife

Why Good Photos Are The Enemy Of Great Photos

Over the years I’ve watched a familiar pattern play out time and again. I’ve witnessed it in the field watching other photographers, in my workshops, and with my online interactions. Photographers frequently give up a great shot because they already have a good shot.

Here’s what happens.

Often when a …

Also posted in How I Got The Shot, Opinions, Wildlife

Don’t Lose Your Photos! My Travel Backup & Workflow

Keeping your images backed up and safe on the road is a dicey proposition – one wrong move and all of those hard-earned photos are history!

In this video, I’ll share my current strategy for keeping my images backed up and safe while traveling. I’ll take you step-by-step through the …

Also posted in Misc

The BCG College Of Photo Education :)

Since so many of us are locked away in our homes, I thought I’d put together a “master list” of the various articles and videos found on this site. Below, you’ll find a long list of categories and the posts that go with them. There are hours of video and …

Also posted in Astrophotography, How I Got The Shot, Landscapes, Lightroom Tips, Locations, Misc, Nikon Gear, Opinions, Photo Trips, Photoshop Tricks, Reviews, Sony Gear, Techniques, Tests

Use It Or Lose It!

“I’m an idiot,” I said to my wife as I examined the missed shot on the LCD panel. To my surprise, she did not appear as shocked at this revelation as I had imagined. I decided she must not have heard me the first time, so I repeated it at …

Also posted in Photo Trips, Using Your Gear, Wildlife

New Lightroom Course: The Library Module (Plus File Handling & Importing)

My New Lightroom Course Is Here!

Over the years, I’ve had constant requests to produce a video series covering post-processing – so I’m finally doing it!

For the past 4 1/2 months, I’ve been working on the first of my Lightroom Video Workshop Series and it’s finally done! 

And I think it’ll blow

Also posted in Misc, Techniques

Settings Check, YNP Gear and Locations, RAW Trouble, Get Low And Dirty

It’s here – podcast #2!

In this episode, we’ll start with a quick followup to episode #1 to add a little clarification to my Z series analysis and shadow pulling. Then we’ll jump to a quick tip that will cover a simple but effective tip that’s sure to help minimize …

Also posted in Locations, Opinions, Photo Trips, Podcasts, Techniques, Using Your Gear, Wildlife

How I Got The Shot: Sunset Dust Bath

It was evening on the Chobe River in Botswana, Africa. The day had been a good one, bursting at the seams with all manner of wildlife. We were in the final, golden hour of it, had our game faces on, and our cameras at the ready.

As our flat-bottom boat …

Also posted in How I Got The Shot, Locations, Opinions, Photo Trips, Techniques, Using Your Gear, Wildlife

What’s In My Bag? Costa Rica Edition

Here it is! I’ve had a TON of requests over the years for a “What’s in my bag” video. The trouble is, what’s in my bag varies by location. So, I decided to start with the wildlife kit I use when I’m in Costa Rica. However, this is also a …

Also posted in Nikon Gear, Using Your Gear