3 Secrets To Creating Wildlife Photos With Depth And Dimension

Have you ever felt like your photos were a little, well, flat? Are you looking for ways to add depth and dimension and give them more of a 3D feel?

In this video, I’ll share the three primary methods I use to help create depth and dimension in my own photos, plus I’ll show you a few of my most common Lightroom techniques that can take it to the next level. Check it out – this is gonna change the way you shoot!

Video covering how to blur backgrounds in photoshop – click here.

PS – If you enjoyed this post, I think you’ll REALLY like my e-books and video workshops! Thousands of pages and hours of videos filled with tips, tricks, and techniques – all my best content! Check ’em out – click here (hey, it’s free to look).

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basket random
1 year ago

I’ll demonstrate a couple of my go-to Lightroom tricks to help you advance your photography.

Sujan Bhuiyan
1 year ago

Great Tips for 3D Images.

lora roberts
lora roberts
1 year ago

Great video and LR demo.

1 year ago

Thanks Steve for this, tried yesterday with some birds, very pleased with the results. The PP work in LRC is the icing on the cake!

Dan Cogan
Dan Cogan
1 year ago

One of my favorite videos yet, due to the post processing demonstration! Can’t thank you enough.

Robert Kaplan
1 year ago

Fantastic tips Steve. I have been darkening and detexturizing the entire background. I will try the radial mask for a more natural look.

Mrs Jayne Simmons
Mrs Jayne Simmons
1 year ago

Great overview. Real practical tips to get the most out of your shots. Thanks