Why I Photograph Wildlife + My Best Photos Of 2022

This video is a little different.

I thought I’d share my best images of 2022 in a year-end review video, but I wanted to take it a step further. So, I decided to answer a question I get from time to time: Why do you photograph wildlife?

In the video below, I’ll share some of my favorite images from this year and share what wildlife photography means to me and why I do it. I hope you enjoy it 🙂

PS – If you enjoyed this post, I think you’ll REALLY like my e-books and video workshops! Thousands of pages and hours of videos filled with tips, tricks, and techniques – all my best content! Check ’em out – click here (hey, it’s free to look).

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David Burns
David Burns
2 years ago

What a wonderful portfolio Steve. Many thanks for showing such wonderful images When viewing these, I was aware (not for the first time!) that your creativity and courage with framing, lighting and compositional values, as well as superb technical control, is what makes your images stand out from the crowd. They are at the opposite end of the spectrum from the technically proficient ‘record shots’ that so many people produce. Truly inspirational.
Happy New Year!

Best wishes, David.

2 years ago

Steve, you are a great inspiration. Your work gives me that extra boost to go out & photograph & enjoy wildlife. Wish you a great year ahead.

2 years ago

Hi Steve,
Thanks for this great video featuring amazing photos 🙂 As a life-long animal lover, an amateur photographer since childhood, and a wildlife biologist who specializes in animal behavior, I completely agree with everything you said in this video! I became a biologist because I love animals, and I want to understand them and spend time with them; and photography provides a whole different level of engagement, happiness, understanding, and appreciation of nature & animals when I am out in the field.
Happy new year!

Sharon O'Brien
Sharon O'Brien
2 years ago

That was spot on WONDERFUL Steve! My heart filled with joy when I recognized some of the characters you highlighted from Botswana. Thanks again for the most amazing time there. Sending wishes for a happy, healthy 2023 and BIG hugs to you and Rose. Sharon

Raphael Kopan
Raphael Kopan
2 years ago

Couldn’t have said it any better. Happy new year to you and yours!

Last edited 2 years ago by Raphael Kopan
Bill Schmidtgall
Bill Schmidtgall
2 years ago

I love your presentation style and your tips are priceless.

I’d never learn as much as you have forgotten any other way.

My photos and more importantly, my enjoyment of the entire process is 10x or more by your instructions.


Ajayan Poyyara
Ajayan Poyyara
2 years ago

Thank you Steve, you made my life easy with your guides.
Wish a wonderful 2023, and more and more magics from you.

2 years ago

Yes, you expressed what I and many feel about wildlife photography. To be honest, I enjoy being out in the field nowadays more than around people. I also want to take this opportunity to thank you. Your e-books, technique and gear videos over the years have made me a better photographer. But your statement about hiking without a camera caught me a little off guard. I’m lucky to live in an area with an abundance of wildlife, especially birds, so I always have to take mine. I’m too afraid that the one time I didn’t I would miss that unique “juggling monkey… Read more »

2 years ago

Being ‘out there’ is just as important as getting shots for me. The fresh air, the exercise, the peace. Sure, I enjoy the challenge of getting a good shot and also enjoy the lottery aspect of taking shots, when the camera captures what the eye misses.
I’m after birds, typically in action, and like to say that bird shots are given, not taken, but you have to be ready for the gift.
Thanks for all your contrbutions to our learning Steve, and best wishes for 2023.

Mike Haworth
2 years ago

Steve, you described the essence perfectly- wishing you good light and inspiration in 2023!

JC Schneider
2 years ago

Steve, thanks much for doing this. I am a Biologist so photographing wildlife is based on a love of animals. I cherish my photos as they are pictures of my natural world “family”. I also do it because its such a challenge, I swear wild life is the most difficult subject a photographer can pursue. Lastly, I hope sharing my photos increases the awareness of the wonders of nature in those who view them.

Joe Schmitt
Joe Schmitt
2 years ago

Fantastic! Thanks for sharing. Great inspiration!

Mark & Emily Fagan
2 years ago

Another fantastic video, your images are truly amazing. Your words of wisdom about the desire to improve can be applied to almost everything in life, it’s what keeps up going. All the best in 2023.

David Sneddon
David Sneddon
2 years ago

What a portfolio snapshot, Steve. Absolutely stunning mate. Seasons greeting to you and yours Steve.

Gerald Broaddrick
Gerald Broaddrick
2 years ago

I can’t even begin to tell what an impact you have had on my photography. It’s refreshing to experience a professional photographer who is not tied to a certain camera company and gives honest reviews. Your way of presenting valuable information is easy to follow and implement. With all the other photographers, and I’ve tried many, you are, in my opinion, the cream of the crop when it comes to wildlife photography. Thanks for all you do!
Wishing you and yours a very happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year!

Michael Lane
Michael Lane
2 years ago

Great images as always Steve. Thanks for your efforts in 2022 and look forward to more in 2023.
Greetings from this side of the Pond (uk)

Yannick Le Boulicaut
Yannick Le Boulicaut
2 years ago

Very interesting, as usual! You give relevant answers to the “why do we spend so much time in the field”? Thanks for sharing your knowledge and passion, Yannick (France)

Christian Sommeillier
Christian Sommeillier
2 years ago

Thank you for this gift Steve! Your stunning photos and your testimonial are a true ode to nature, to its beauty and to its diversity, in addition to being a motivation for me in order to constantly improve myself in the practice of wildlife photography.

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