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Reader Testimonials

This eBook is about image sharpness; it only starts with the Nikon Autofocus System. And it covers that system comprehensively: all the CAM hardware, buttons, menus, displays and options for virtually all current Nikon DSLRs. The last half of the book covers all the other aspects of optimal image sharpness: correct use of lens vibration reduction (VR), handheld and tripod techniques, autofocus fine-tuning, hyperfocal distance and focus stacking. He includes the same real world techniques he uses for landscape, macro and wildlife photography, and an important chapter for the 'tough' situations when autofocus might not work as expected. A deep subject, well covered, in an eBook written in a conversational and humorous tone that makes the technical stuff easy to understand.
- Bob
Steve An outstanding job!!! Excellent I am going to recommend the book to all my Nikon Friends. The book answered for me a number of question that I had especially with the new D500. I have started to incorporate changes into my camera and cannot wait to try them out om my next outing Thanks Again and Regards, Myer
Steve, I rarely write to someone regarding publications or postings on the internet but I have to tell you that your latest text is phenomenal! Not only is the technical content super, but your manner of explaining things and the peppering of great humor along with it makes the book thoroughly enjoyable. It's as good a read as a well written novel! Thanks so much of sharing your expertise, insights, and humor. It is greatly appreciated! Of course, I also enjoyed Secrets to Stunning Wildlife!\ Photography! ~Gary
Congratulations! You did it again! Even better a topic which is not covered anywhere I have found in such detail and examples for understanding. I am really enjoying secrets of auto focus. Looking forward to your next text. Cheers! Ken
Loved the new book, lots of great tips. Can't wait to get out in the field to try some of them out. Best $14.99 I've spent since the $14.99 I spent on your last book. Bill
Hi Steve, As a landscape photographer who is relatively new to wildlife photography, I just wanted to say thanks for your new AF book. I'm in an airport headed to the Texas coast to do shorebird photography and your book arrived at the perfect time. I'm reading it on the plane and have already learned a lot. Even though I am familiar with my camera and lens manuals, there is material in your book that I haven't found anywhere else. Your presentation is really clear which helps for quick learning and I'm sure that it will be easier to remember when in the field. Thanks, Mike
Hi Steve, I wanted to let you know that your new Nikon AF book is the best discussion I've seen anywhere on the subject. I just upgraded to the Nikon D810, and know that I need to learn more about it's AF capabilities. I literally just downloaded the book and within 5 minutes can confidently say that it is exactly what I was looking for. Definitely the most intuitive, easy to read, and informative reference on the subject that I've seen anywhere, and I've been doing a LOT of research! Thank you! -Bob
Steve, Really enjoyed your Secrets To The Nikon Autofocus System. I found the information very helpful and well delivered. Best money I have spent on my photographic education. I am anxious to get out and practice. Have always been a slow methodic shooter. Time to try active shooting! Outstanding work!! ~Pete
Hi Steve, Hope you are having a good day. Thank you for the writing such and awesome book. I really loved the book. I just finished reading the book. I would says its one of the best book out there. I recommended it to all my friends already. Krishna

Like so many other enthusiastic amateur shooters, I think you've absolutely nailed it with this book. Getting to grips with the sophistication and complexity of Nikon's AF systems may be the single-most useful skill learned to get more kept shots. Bought the first day, scanned through the whole thing and now reading cover to cover. Kudos and thanks.

Dear Steve, Secrets to Wildlife Photography is a book I constantly return to when patiently applying your lessons in the field. An excellent book with tremendous value for amateur and pro photographers alike. It is no surprise then that as soon as I received your initial announcement the new book was an instant buy for me. I briefly get through this AF secrets galore and have to say - this is a bloody brilliant stuff mate! 🙂 Thank you for your hard work and commitment to share your wisdom and experience with the rest of the world. All the best, Radek
Steve just wanted to say your new book is fantastic. I am about half way trough it and am amazed at how much I have learned after being a Nikon user for over 30 years.
I'm obsessed with this stuff! So much more information than I imagined. Most importantly, is the fact that I've had more than one "Ah-Ha" moment and I've just gotten started. Thanks Steve, your experiences are so important to this learning process. $15 Bucks (Green Backs not deer), is incredible.
Hi Steve,
I bought and love it! Great work!
Even as s fairly experienced (D810) shooter, there's always still something to learn.
Let's hope Nikon soon comes up with some competitive ML cameras so they can compete with the Sonys, Fujis, et al. and you'll have more stuff to cover 😉

Hi mate. Downloaded your new Ebook yesterday and just wanted to say how much I'm enjoying it. The information is, as always, written in such a way it's like you're standing next to me and explaining every detail. Loving it. Excellent. Kind regards, Graham Dennis
Hi Steve

It’s no wonder you have sold so many copies, its brilliant, my head is so full of new idea’s I can honestly say it’s the most comprehensive guide I have ever seen or read.

You should be so proud of yourself for the work, time and effort you have obviously put into this book and your others, no doubt like many many other fans, we all wish you could supply the book in paper form so we can take it with us wherever we go and find the dog eared pages when we need to.

Thanks again Steve, the best $14.97 I have ever spent.

Love it Steve, you have the best technical information that is easy to understand and goes a long way to helping improve my photography.

Morning Steve, my wife has already purchased this book for me and I absolutely love it. I congratulate you Steve on your excellent work.

Regards Mike
I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your book. I really love the way you simplify techniques and equipment settings. I probably read my camera body manual cover to cover and I'm sure I learned more from your book. You certainly have a way of explaining things in an easy to understand fashion. I can't wait to try some of your suggestions for improvement of my photography.

Steve's Ebook on AF is a hit in my mind. Not only does it cover everything very well, provide excellent graphics to highlight camera settings, and makes the technical stuff sound simple to understand, but Steve writes with a style that is upbeat, comical and just plain great. Paul
Hi Steve: Thank you for producing such an awesome book about the Nikon focusing and its workings. Since I bought it last night, I've already learned such a great deal about it so far, and I"m just in the early parts of the book, so THANK YOU! I'm eyeing your photographing wildlife book next and will get that too 🙂 Ken
Thanks for a great book Steve which I have read over the last couple of days. The humour in US writing in this type of book is different from that in the UK but that said I thoroughly enjoyed the book. The style is that of an in depth discussion regarding how to use and the pros and cons of the various elements of the system. I think this approach is different and really works well. Keep up the good work, your two books are my 'go to's for the subjects they cover amongst the many photography books I possess. Best wishes, Jim
Hi Steve, I'm a big fan of the Nikon Autofocus system but no matter how good a system is, it is much better if you understand it and learn how to 'drive' it to get the highest number of technically excellent photographs ( almost half-way there to getting a great photograph). Thank you for your well written book which contributed greatly to my understanding of the Nikon AF system. The camera is a machine and the photographer is its operator, the better the operator understands his/her machine the better the results. Thank you for contributing your experience to my knowledge base. Tom
Steve, I just wanted to "thank you" for sending a "heads up" email regarding your new eBook. I am only 34 pages into it and can tell you that this eBook is an invaluable source for us Nikonians! Concise, accurate information for those wishing to master their Nikon AF system. Two for two on the books, my friend. Many thanks for sharing your knowledge and wisdom! Take care!! With Great Respect, Tal
Steve, I just finished reading your book "Secrets to the Nikon Autofocus System". It is educational, entertaining and useful. I believe you have another winner! Thank you for taking the time to help others get the most out of their Nikon cameras. Regards. Joe
Great read Steve. Been using a D300s and now a D7100 and thought I was pretty much up with the play, but your book illustrates how naive I really am when it comes to the Nikon system. Well done. ~Tony
I just finish reading the recent book and I congratulate you for useful and easy to understand information. thanks AG
Hi Steve. I bought your eBook on the Nikon AF System. I have been shooting birds for about 4 years with my D7000 and Nikon 80-400. I have gotten some good results, good enough for greeting cards and calendars (for friends and family only). Lately I have felt that I am at a crossroads with my photography. Then I upgraded to the D500 with a Nikon 200-500 lens. Taking a "go big or go home" kinda approach.... Next stop was your eBook on the AF system. I'm kind of an old dog but I am open to new tricks. Although I was a bit concerned about learning new techniques I gave your advice on BBAF a try. Well damn! Zero learning curve and the results are terrific. The ergonomics of the D500 body make using BBAF a snap. I have also learned a lot of great things about the AF system that I did not know. I almost feel that I have been lucky to get the results I have gotten thus far without knowing some of your great tips. Thanks! I'm not finished the eBook and I totally expect to learn a bunch of other things that will help me with my wildlife photography. Yukon and Alaska trip coming up this summer and I know that what I learned from you will help me come back with a ton of keepers. Thanks Steve! Barry
Steve, I have been enjoying reading your Secrets to Stunning Wildlife Photography and am delighted now to own your Secrets to the Nikon Autofocus System book.

Nikon's AF system has been a major conundrum for me so I am truly grateful for your considerable efforts in attempting to shine a bright light on this mysterious subject!

I am already getting many more sharp focus shots thanks to you!

Keep up the good work - your books are both informative, easy to understand and delightful to read!

Best regards,

I thought I understood the Nikon auto focus system, due to being a long time Nikon user, but as I continue to read the auto focus guide I realized I did not know enough. I have not finished the book but I have already seen the number of “keeper” with birds in flight, sports, auto racing and other action photography increase with just a few of the tips in the first chapters of the guide. Looking forward to finishing the guide and having total understanding of the auto focus system on my Nikon cameras. Thanks for writing the guide.~James
Hi Steve I just finished your book on Nikon AF and I am surprised at how much I didn't know about it. I have been shooting Nikon for many years and I used most of the features you cover but never understood just how they worked and why I get some results that are less than spectacular. I have been a student of yours ever since you first put out the video on BBAF. I cannot imagine not using that now. Thanks again for a very well written and entertaining book that also covers all the technical stuff. Your images are inspirational in themselves and worth the price of the book. Hugh
Excellent learning and reference tool which is of great value to both wildlife and landscape photographers. This eBook runneth over with knowledge, practical solutions and hands on experience to satisfy the needs from beginners to ardent professionals. It is more than just autofocus! It is about ramping up the quality, success rate and satisfaction of the reader's overall photography. Great contribution to the broader photography community! Well done! Cameron - Photography Enthusiast Calgary, Canada
Hi Steve, Just a note to express my gratitude for you latest book! It has helped me to significantly achieve more performance from my 810's autofocus ~Larry
Hi Steve I found your book very informative and really enjoyed reading it . As you say "get out and practice" so that's what I will be doing Many thanks Paul
Hi Steve Now finished the new Autofocus E Book. Must say you should call everything you thought you knew but don't. Very well written and easy to follow. Thank you. ~Gary
Hi Steve:

I thank you again for writing the book "Secrets to Nikon Autofocus System" - I can't put this ebook down! Well, this has been by far the most useful book I've referenced in understanding and getting the most of the Nikon AF system. Thank you again! Ken
Hi Steve, I purchased your e-book on Back Button Focusing and I must say that it is the best purchase I have ever made on any camera subject. I am 75 years old and have been shooting since I was 12, using my fathers hand me down 35mm film cameras. I use a NikonD600 now which I love. I thought I knew everything about using Back Button Focusing, however, I was so wrong. Your explanation is so good it only took me a few minutes to get up to speed. I have been following you for some time now and will continue to do so. Keep up the good work. Cheers, Bob, Australia
I purchased both of you books within the last 2 weeks, and I think they are great. There is a wealth of information in both books and I am enjoying reading them. I have no doubt that my Photography is going to improve a lot as a result of using the information I am learning. Thank you for writing them and if you write another in the future, you can be certain I will check it out. I am recommending both of your books to all of my friends and family that are involved in photography. ~James
I learned more, in detail, from your book than several readings of [name redacted] books on the D300 and D750. I think your wildlife book is great and am equally pleased with this one. Looking forward to your next book. Latham
Thanks for the awesome Nikon autofocus book. The most useful I've ever read. Keep up the good work. I enjoy the Youtube videos too! ~Steven
I am working my way through your new ebook and put the information to good use. Spent the afternoon with some Colorado Bighorn Sheep and started applying some of the focusing ideas for Nikons. Worked great. Tom
Hi Steve, I bought your two e books on line over the last couple of weeks, I just couldn't leave the Wildlife book out of my hands. Its a fantastic book with super tips and information. I'm getting through the Nikon Auto focus book now and am loving the way you reference back to the Nikon D5/D500. Thanks you so much as the Nikon D500 is going to be my next camera buy. Look forward to what ever you are doing for the next release. Thanks again with kindest regards, Pam.
Hi Steve, I bought [author’s name redacted] Nikon AF book when it came out, and when I heard about your book I wasn't sure I needed another book on AF. Because it was $15 I thought I would learn something about AF or it would refresh my memory about some aspect of AF. I'm also thinking about upgrading from my D7000 to a D500, so I thought the book would help me make that decision. I'm very, very glad that I bought the book. You really did a great job explaining the different AF topics, and I learned much more than I expected. Gary
Great book Steve! The information is presented in a way that is easy to understand. A “Must Read” for anyone wanting to improve their number of keepers. Thank You. Gilles
Steve - In a word....That's a great read. Ok, that's 4 words (five if you count That's as two), but you get the gist. I literally couldn't put the book (in this case my iPad) down. You're writing style, thoroughness, use of examples and humor are perfect. I can't tell you how many times I've read Nikon's explanation for the various focus features via the manual and their website. It was like reading Latin while dodging bees at a honey festival. Your book covered everything I need to know to best utilize the tools Nikon is giving us. Until I read your book, I was a Spot Focus, Manual Metering kinda guy. Oh, I'd infrequently step over to Aperture priority or Matrix metering now and then, but that was pretty much the extent of it. All because Nikon made it so confusing and scary. Now, thanks to you, I can (with minimal trepidation) go boldly where I've never gone before. Back Button Focus, Group Focus, Dynamic Area Focus etc. I can do it now...Thanks to you. You Da Man!!! I especially enjoyed your writing style. It was like you were in the room telling me how to do stuff. No weird jargon to jumble up my already limited brain capacity. Thanks again. Eric
Hi Steve Just purchased your book. It's fun to read and it's written amazingly. It's 2:00 AM here in Israel and I can't stop reading it 🙂 It causes insomnia! Keep up the great stuff. I am going to read your other book just after this one. Sharon
Hi Steve Many Thanks for producing yet another amazing e-book, I purchased Secrets to Stunning Wildlife Photography and found it extremely informative to read and very simple to understand.To repeat that process with your latest e-book is an indication of the talent you clearly have to convey to others in a clear and comprehensive manner both the techniques used in wildlife photography and how the camera works to help you successfully apply those techniques. To anyone considering purchasing either book, do yourself a big favour and buy both, I certainly was not disappointed. Many Thanks again Steve

Jim (from Ireland)
Hi Steve: I just finished reading your e-book, Secrets to the Nikon AF System. I truly enjoyed it, and learned a lot. Manuals may tell you the purpose of all of the buttons and functions, but they don't tell you when ,or why, to use them. In my profession (Dentistry), we reserve the term "Master" for someone who is not only very good at what they do.... but can also teach it. Steve, you truly are a Master of your profession. Thanks so much for doing what you do, and sharing your knowledge. John
Hi Steve, Just a quick note to say thank you for producing such a wonderful ebook! This would have to be the most comprehensive and easy to read book covering all aspects of the Nikon AF system. I'm a professional photographer based in New Zealand and work with Nikon as an ambassador for our region. I'll definitely be recommending your book for anyone wanting a better understanding of the Nikon AF system...really enjoy your YouTube channel too! Keep up the great work. Let me know if you ever make down this way, would love to share some of our beautiful country with you. Kind regards, Mike.
Hi Steve, I have finished to read your e-book "Secrets To The Nikon Autofocus System" and it's very very helpfull. Thanks a lot. And I love your humor, so also many thanks for all these good moments! From France, Maurice
Steve, The Nikon AF e-book is outstanding! I haven't finished it yet but already it has clarified a lot of former mysteries. Thank you. I was telling a friend, a biologist and accomplished photog, about the book and he immediately asked if there is anything comparable for Canon shooters. He liked the practical and thorough approach. Thanks, Dick
I've been a Nikon shooter for many years and thought I had the Nikon AF system nailed. Well, knowing that I can't know everything, I downloaded your book and all I can say are two words: WOW and THANKS ! I'm not going to give a long list of what I learned. I'm only going to say again, THANKS. Your Nikon AF book is the BEST & I've read a ton of books and articles on the subject. I don't want to use this sophisticated camera (Nikon D750) with all of its wonderful electronics and not know how to use all of them, or, at the very least, to be aware of their existence. Well, thanks to you, now I do. Also, I learned so much from your Wildlife Photography book too. BTW, at our recent camera club meeting, I showed your YouTube on back button focus. The crowd loved it. I pitched both of your e-books too. Lyle
Hi, Steve-- Thanks so much for writing "Secrets To Nikon's Autofocus System." I've owned a D800 since 2012 and a D3100 since 2013, and have read the manuals of each numerous times. Your e-book was a hundred times clearer, more helpful, and more entertaining to read than any of these. And your photos are breathtaking! All the best, Greg
Steve Thanks for offering this publication. I have read the first half and have learned so much! (Ohhhh, to have do-overs! ) After taking thousands of photos, I never realized how much of the Nikon Quality I was wasting! Your info has opened up a whole new era of my photographing experiences! Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you! Steve H.
Steve, I bought your Nikon Autofocus book and have to tell you it's the best single photography book I've ever purchased. I've learned so much in the first reading but know I'm going to have to go back, re-read and make sure that I'm able to apply the knowledge. Your explanations are very easy to follow and the advice works! Moreover, this book is chock full of actual things to do not just a lot of theory and generalities but very specific how to's. I highly recommend this book to everyone wanting to sharpen their focus! Thank you. -Marc
When I purchased my D4, I could not bring myself to wade through the 400 page owners guide, so I used another source for some autofocusing tips. What I learned this spring trying to focus on bald eagles in flight at Lake Jennings here in San Diego County is that I really did not understand my autofocus system. After reading your book and making the adjustments that you showed us to photograph Peregrine Falcons in flight, it was like watching the sun break through on one our May grey days (maybe a little hyperbole, but it really did help). Thanks for writing such a thorough and easily understandable book. - Daniel
I just want to tell you how much I enjoyed your book "Secrets to the Nikon Autofocus System." In some ways focus is a Kindergarten subject, but I have always felt that there was a lot more to it than holding the shutter release half way down and recomposing. I now feel like I understand how to use most of that fancy stuff I paid for and can actually get some benefit from it. THANKS! - Dale
Firstly., this is Awesome !! Though I know few things about Auto Focus, this book gave all the extra information I am missing and TONS of new information. The best part I like in this book is with the little humour in it. Through out the book I had a little smile (and sometimes a big laugh) on my face which I deeply enjoyed. Steve... all I can say to you is..... THANKS 🙂 ~Sai
Dear Steve I currently have a d800 upgraded from a 700 and 200. I came across your videos by accident. I am so glad I did. I have now got your eBook. I have always understood how to get into a focus mode, but until a came across your work I never really understood why perhaps you should not use a particular mode. ( I will always remember your picture of the focus point on the wingtip not the eye) And when you know what mode not to use, choosing what to use becomes so much easier. After all these years I am trying back button focus for the first time. Thank you again for helping get the most of what is after all a expensive camera. David
Steve I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the book. I've been shooting Nikon since 1973 ( a Nikon rep back then told me that autofocus was probably economically impossible). I'm not a professional though so I have not shot nearly as much as a pro. Most of the book was a refresher but I still really got a lot out of it. Discovering Back Button Focus years ago was a game changer for me. You really explained it well. - Craig
Dear Steve, Many thanks for your ebook on the Nikon autofocus system. I have learnt more from reading it for an hour or two than i have from sifting through the Nikon manuals of their cameras from the D70 to the D810, a total of 10+ different cameras. - David
Hi Steve, I recently bought your e-book on the nikon autofocus system and its been a great help (i haven't finished reading it yet). I'm an absolute newcomer to DSLR's and only bought my Nikon D5600 early June. Your book has helped me rethink how i use the camera. Especially in terms of the back focus button and using the 9 point dynamic point system. Prior to buying your book I'd tried to photo some swans, geese etc at a local nature reserve and had been really disappointed with results. I visited the same place today and have been astounded by some of my results today when got them up on my computer. I know i'm only using Nikon's bottom of the range AF-S 55 - 300mm zoom (there is milage in the saying you get what you pay for) but as a basic zoom to start out, some of the results have been incredible. Thank you for the help and advice in the book and on your youtube channel. ~Nigel
Hi Steve, I just wanted to give you some feedback on your book "Secrets to the Nikon Autofocus System" Your e-book is the best yet ... stacks of information covering so many facets of the autofocus system and set out at a very good pace certainly held my interest and made me appreciate the science and technology behind designing such a system... Top marks to you Sir Now I find you have updated it to reflect the latest Nikon D7500... now how many publishers would do that without expecting more money... Brilliant work Steve. I for one will be following your web pages for future announcements with anticipation. ~ Gordon
Steve, I really enjoyed the book. I have the Nikon D500 and think it is the best camera I have ever owned. You have converted me to back button focus and I love it... I was hesitant to start with but really like using it with AFS C and Group mode. I shoot bird and wildlife most of the time and have already implemented several of the techniques mentioned in the book. Every Nikon owner should read this book. There is something for everyone. By the way, I like the introduction of humor along the way... Thanks for a great book... Jeff
Hey young Mr. Perry I would like to send my heart felt thanks for your efforts in the production of your book I have only just finished the Nikon Focus System and still have the other one to go! but mate I just got so much out of it it wasn`t funny! I enjoyed your skits humor that helped with all the mind crushing info. ~ Glenn
Hi Steve, just downloaded your book - absolutely fantastic. Learnt more about using my new D500 just browsing for a few minutes than hours poring over the camera manual. Photos also absolutely stunning. Thanks Peter
Steve, Thank you for this guide. I've purchased 6 books on photography and the Nikon D750 specifically and haven't been able to get through a single one from cover to cover. I found your book to be one of the most comprehensive, easy to understand book of the lot. Your sense of humor throughout brought more than one chuckle and several laugh out loud moments. Refreshing! Thanks for all you do to make learning this trade/hobby of mine a lot easier to learn. ~ John
Steve: Your book is fantastic- filled with loads of helpful tips. ~ Mike
Steve, just finished your book. It was outstanding. Very well laid out, readable and understandable for a hobby photographer. I take pictures for pleasure and got a lot out of your book.~ Joel
Steve, Bought your new e-book on the Secrets to the Nikon AF System. Love it!! Been shooting ignorantly for years, and have learned a ton in the first 100 pages. ~ Bob
Hello Steve,
I wish to commend you for your extremely well written and thorough eBook “Secrets To The Nikon Auto Focus System” which I purchased some time ago and have since read twice. I printed it off in full colour and although it cost me an arm and a leg for ink, it was worth every cent to have the document readily available to me when ever I wanted to refer to it. I love your sense of humour Steve and the way you have explained the complexity of how auto focus works which I now realise is a marvel of electronic engineering.

I have a D800 and my darling wife recently bought me a D7500 and I have learnt a lot with your help.

Thank you Steve for a job well done.


Hi Steve,
I have your book for a few months and the D850 a few weeks. I like both very much. Thanks very much for the fast update of the book. Your book is very interesting and sometimes humoristic. ~Hans
Hey Steve,

I got my Nikon D850 two weeks before going to Iceland, for a some landscape photography. While I've been shooting Nikon for a few years, my images were never as sharp as I'd like them to be, and certainly not tack-sharp.

After getting the 850, I purchased your eBook and read a lot of it on the plane to Iceland. What a difference it made for my trip. Most of my images were very sharp, and most of all, I feel I have a good-grasp on the Nikon focus system, and what it has to offer.

For sure, I will re-read your eBook, now that it's been updated with 850 info.

I also purchased your Wildlife Photography book, which I have yet to ready, but am really looking forward to it.

Keep up the great work that you are doing - explaining photography, using easily understandable terms, and great examples.

Hi Steve,
I downloaded the update to your book, Secrets to the Nikon Auto Focus System, and it is everything if not more than I expected. I have been using my D850 for a while now and thought I had a reasonable understanding of its functions. How wrong I was. Your book taught me so much, and I am grateful for all the work you put in, and for your expertise.

The book is also a great read. Thanks for your honesty and integrity in both your books and YouTube videos.
Steve: Your book couldn't have come at a more opportune time for me. I have been a Canon user all of my life from the A-1 to the 5DS R. I deliberated between the new Sony and the Nikon 5D 850. I have heard many sad tales from Sony users about the poor service response when cameras have problems. I chose the Nikon as a result. I have read the entire book, just finished, and feel that it will be a valuable resource for me. It will save me a lot of time fiddling with the controls, not sure of what they do. I can go straight in and set up the camera the way I shoot using your book as a guide. Thank you.
I have purchased both of your ebooks and I must say that I have enjoyed them immensely. More importantly they were worth the price of admission which can't be said for too many things offered online these days. They hammered home some things I learned through years of trial and error and made me think differently about a few situations and ways to shoot. I thank you for that. - Charles
Thanks for your e-book on nikon af very informative and really like your videos. You do these these things that hobby folks and enthusiasts can understand without all the BS.that other you tube video makers do. Easy to understand and your laid back style is supberb. - Thomas
I bought both of your books. I believe that anyone who owns a late model Nikon DSLR MUST buy you book "Secrets To The Nikon Autofocus System". I have been a Nikon user since 1965 and own quite a few film and digital Nikon cameras. However, the level of in-depth information presented in this book was truly amazing to me. It is very well written and, in fact, fun to read. I am part way through "Secrets to Stunning Wildlife Photography". It is also well written in a personal style that makes it easy to read and comprehend. Well done. - David
Hi Steve,
Just received your book and it seems amazing !
Ive grabbed my d500 to go through the settings to see what i can improve on. - Alisa
I rarely offer up testimonials or comments about a fellow photographer or professional, but feel compelled to do so here. A couple of years ago I stumbled upon one of your You Tube videos and have been a avid follower ever since. I frequently assist another photographer in his field workshops and meet-up critiques with Photoshop and Nikon specific input, and have kind of become known in those groups as "Mr. Nikon". Geez, I thought I knew pretty much everything there was to know about the Nikon system, but hey, not so fast, you've really helped me take my understanding to the next level...particularly reference your excellent recent tutorials on Nikon AF modes and the auto fine tune protocols! Thanks, Steve....keep em' going! - Donald
Many thanks for a nice, entertaining and profesional book - Jaime
I have purchased and read your excellent Nikon Auto Focus book. - Bill
Hello Steve, I am 70y.o. and have been using Nikons since my early 20's. Have purchased your e-book on the Nikon Autofocus system. Let me just say this is a book that no Nikon user should be without After only reading into the book a short way I have been able to fine tune both my D80 and D300. Most important, we now understand the many functions thoroughly. - Tony
Hi Steve,
I downloaded the update to your book, Secrets to the Nikon Auto Focus System, and it is everything if not more than I expected. I have been using my D850 for a while now and thought I had a reasonable understanding of its functions. How wrong I was. Your book taught me so much, and I am grateful for all the work you put in, and for your expertise.

The book is also a great read. Thanks for your honesty and integrity in both your books and YouTube videos.
Regards, Andrew
I have bought both your books and loved them, incredibly useful. - Raul
Have to thank you, your Nikon autofocus ebook is indispensable for any Nikon user! - Rick
I have purchased your Focus and Wildlife ebooks and found them very useful. - Paul
Steve, I absolutely love what you are doing. The information (books, videos, etc.) have really opened my eyes to better techniques for focusing. Keep doing what you're doing. - Paul
Just downloaded your Nikon autofocus book last night and am quickly working through it. Great material! Thank you for taking the time to put this comprehensive guide together. - Brian
Hi Steve.
Just finished reading your ebook Secrets of Nikon AF system. I learned quite a lot reading it. I had a D5300 for a couple of years and I just bought a D7500. Your book nails a complex and difficult subject right on. - Daniel
Your Nikon AF System (e book) is the most definitive and easily understood work I have found. 40 years a Nikon user and this is the first time I really feel I understand Nikon's autofocus usage options. Excellent illustrations! - Richard
Hi Steve. Just wanted to say thank you for your book on Nikon's AF system. It's really good! - Peter
Thanks a million for Secrets To The Nikon Autofocus System. - Bert
I have thoroughly enjoyed both of your books and have learned a great deal of stuff from both these books. I am constantly trying to practise the tips and techniques you have taught us. I also love your writing style, which is easy to follow and fun to read. - Naveen
Gotta say - working my way through your books... they are outstanding! - Craig
Steve, Thank you for writing your two books. I use them constantly.
I recently bought your Nikon AF System book it was a big help thank you. - Randy
Hi Steve......Thanks for the knowlege in your them. - Alan
Hi Steve,
Just writing to let you know that I loved the book. Very straight forward, detailed explanation and fun. I am still reading, and digesting many things but overall is great. Thanks a lot. - David
Your writings on digital are as direct and cogent as
were Galen Rowell`s on film. Bravo! And keep up the great work! - Chuck
Great..Thank you very much for the two e-books on Nikon AF Systems and Secrets to stunning Wildlife Photography. Now I am carefully going through the contents..very great works of yours.. - Sumangala
Hello Steve,
Just after reading your e-book about the Nikon AF system and how to use it at its best I feel obliged to say thank you. Thank you for sharing your vast knowledge in such a open and entertaining manner. I also like your style of writing, although English is not my native language (as you already might have noticed) I had some good laughs especially about some funny comparisons/pictures (like the turtle walking through peanut butter etc.). You do not only produce awesome pictures with your cam, but also with the pictures you put into the words and into the readers mind- Fredy
Hi Steve
Meanwhile, I congratulate you for the site and the guide I bought from you on Nikon AF, there are really interesting things that I'm applying successfully. - Massimo
Steve, I don't normally have the patience to tackle long instruction books, but found yours to be an engaging read and very informative on a subject I definitely did not know enough about. - Steve
After being out of the photo game for a few decades, I bought a d5600 and had trouble getting around the auto features, Today I bought your book on the Nikon secrets, and after the first chapter with camera in hand, I have regained my confidence, very different from the mamya 330 twin lense reflex I used to use.
Thanks again and keep up the great YouTube channel and the publication. - Sand
Hi Steve, just finished reading your book Secrets to the Nikon AF System, and I must admit I thought I knew my camera inside and out but I learned a thing or book and the added humor is a bonus, I would highly recommend this book to anyone, Happy Shooting and God Bless, Rodney
I've read, and am reading again, your Secrets to Nikon Focus book - VERY good information and presentation. - Fred
Steve, thanks for the excellent overview of the Nikon focusing system. - Gerald
Great book lots of info-cannot imagine how long it took to write!! Also funny. - Rich
Thank you for all the work you put into your new auto-focus ebook for D850. It's great! - Vicki
I've just finished your book on auto-focusing and I learned some really beneficial and helpful stuff. I've learned some new things to do, and also some things NOT to do anymore like holding my camera by the body with my 2-500 on it. Anyway, thanks for the thoughtfully put together book and I also really got some goodies from reading your wildlife book as well. Keep up the good work! - Dave
Thanks for your excellent "Secrets to Autofocus" book! - Mark
Hallo Steve

I bought your Book Secret to The Nikon Autofocus System and i must say great Job. - Zdenko
Hi, I am working through you Autofocus e-book. I is definitely the most useful and value for money document of all the books and articles I have read about photography. The text is clear with enough examples (and some humour thrown in). I love the more technical explanations as well, it is always helpful to know why something is happening. Have now ordered the Wildlife e-book as well and can't wait to start reading. Ingrid

I just finished my first read your E-Book "Secrets To The Nikon Autofocus System", excellent information, this is the best information regarding Nikon cameras I have ever read, (and I have read a lot). Thank You for all the research that must have gone into this E-Book.
Though I have to admit there is so much information to digest I will definitely have to reread a few times.
I purchased your e-book on the Auto Focus System and am about 1/2 way through it and am impressed. - Roger
Hi Mr Perry, I bought the Secret of Nikon AF book few weeks ago. Excellent book. Writen with the simple way for easy to understand. And on top of that, your wonderful and subtle humour touch adds vivacity to your whole text. Also removing the boring tempo of the technical books. Five thums up for your brilliant work.

Continue your excellent work.

Hi Steve. I’m new to the world of DSLRs with a Nikon D7500 kit for Christmas. I’ve been trying to learn and practice with the camera and it wasn’t too long that I started shooting out of auto. The camera is way smarter than I am and one of the areas I was struggling with was how to best use the AF system.
That was until I got your e book on the Nikon AF system. I made the leap to BBAF and I’ll never go back! We have a lot of bird activity in the area including many hawks. While I had fairly good success before, I felt I could do better. Well I read the section on BBAF, and tried it. I practiced with a few shots in the yard and then on a red tail hawk near my yard. BBAF worked great.
What I really wanted to thank you was that I have other books on the camera that included a discussion on this feature, but yours went into a great deal of detail on the pros and cons and how to apply it. Made much more sense and I’m very pleased.

Again, I just wanted to say thanks. I’m still learning and I’m sure I’ll get a lot more from your e book. Great purchase.

Hi Steve,
I ordered your Secrets To The Nikon AutoFocus System book about a week ago and just now have had the chance to dive in. I wanted to drop a note to say THANK YOU! Extremely detailed and helpful information. Looking forward to reading your other guides soon! - Karen
Steve, I ordered your book on the Nikon Auto-focus systems even though I couldn't figure out why on earth it would take 400+ pages to explain the options. I'm half-way through it now and I am speechless. The in-depth knowledge you share about the various options (some I don't think I would have ever known about) coupled with the examples you give and photos you include to further explain the words on the page make this book an incredibly valuable resource. Plus, your writing style is fabulous.
Thanks for taking the time to pull all of this information together in one place.
- Steve H.
Hi Steve,

Excellent booklets! I am half-way through the autofocus book, and have learned things I did not know already.
Thanks Steve. You are a great Teacher. - Chris
Thanks so much for this great book . - Joe
Hi Steve

I purchased your ebook about the Nikon autofocus several time ago (awesome book, really helped me, though I'm sure I did not could make use all of it) and now i kust got an email from you with a free update?
I really appreciate your enthusiasm about photography and sharing your bits about it.
Keep going!
Kind regards from Germany

Hi Steve, I must say your book Secreets to the Nikon AF-System is the best manual one can have and read. You explain the different settings so exactly and understandable where the original Nikon Manual is a poor alternative. For the beginner with Nikon cameras its best to read your first chapters about all AF settings and nothing will go wrong. Your best secrets setting video is also for a professionell photographer a very good tipp the best is how to set the 100% magnification with the main button. If your new book is published I will order immediately! Yours Peter and many thanks with the tipps Focus stacking with the D850!!!!
Great! I've learned enough in the first chapter to more than justify the cost. A real photography page turner. - Gary
Hi Steve,

After months of "meaning to get around to it", I finally picked up your Nikon AF ebook the other day.


What an amazingly comprehensive work on the subject. I learned a lot, including in areas I didn't expect to.

For example, I'm an old photographer and once I learned that "zoom in, focus, zoom out" was the way to go with long glass, I never learned differently when it changed!

I will, for sure, be going through this book again and again to pick up little details.
Steve I want to commend you on this book. I thought I knew most of what I needed to know about my cameras but you enlightened me on so many things I was unaware of.
I would like to thank you for writing this book and would highly recommend it to any Nikon user. - Ed
I haven’t finished the book yet, but so far it has been very good, I will be recommending it to friends. I like the approach of knowing how and why things work, to be used as a base for figuring out what to do. ~Scott
Hi Steve,

I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your E Book "Secrets to the Nikon AF system"
Having recently purchased the Nikon D-850 I found your book very helpful and easy to understand.

Kind Regards,

I just wanted to thank you very much for teaching me and helping me improve my photography. I bought your ebook on the Nikon auto focus and it taught me many things I didn't know before. So I am grateful to you. ~ Larry
I have read MANY articles and books on the Nikon AF system. His detail, clarity, and examples, FAR exceeds anything that I have read.

Hi Steve,
Just want to say thanks and tell you how incredibly useful the "Secrets To The Nikon Autofocus System" book was. ~ Robin
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