My Z8 And Z9 Autofocus Setup Guide (For Wildlife Photography)

In this video, I’ll take you step by step through my AF setup for the Nikon Z8 and Z9. First, we’ll visit the Custom Setting menu Focus section and I’ll show you how I set each and every one of the items – and why.

Next, I’ll share my current button settings I use for AF operations and explain how I’m using those settings in the field to increase my keeper rate.

Don’t miss out – it’s a must-see for every Nikon Z8 and Z9 user!

PS – If you enjoyed this post, I think you’ll REALLY like my e-books and video workshops! Thousands of pages and hours of videos filled with tips, tricks, and techniques – all my best content! Check ’em out – click here (hey, it’s free to look).

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free games
8 months ago

Thank you! The first day gives you new opportunities

Gabi Goslar
1 year ago

I appreciate the tutorial, Steve! I recently bought the Z9, so I’m still in the process of familiarizing myself with it.

Bob Beauchamp
Bob Beauchamp
1 year ago

Steve how do I buy your book?

1 year ago
Reply to  Bob Beauchamp
mapquest directions
1 year ago

On the Z8 and Z9 cameras, you can select either Zona (Zone) mode or Auto-Area (Auto-Area) mode so that the camera automatically selects the best focus point in the frame. This will help the camera focus on the main subject, like wildlife.

christian Sommeillier
christian Sommeillier
1 year ago

Steve, thank you so much for having produced and made available to us such a document where everything is explained so clairly; I can’t imagine how the task would have been enormous and how long it would have been for me to learn about ”the beast”without your Z8 and Z9 autofocus set up guide. I am now ready to go out into the field with my new Z8 to adapt mysel to this new tool, especially acquire the right reflexes to have quick access to the different buttons depending on the situations encountered.

Bas Cuthbert
Bas Cuthbert
1 year ago

Do the menus on the Z8 change depending on your chosen settings? The Shooting/display menu on my Z8 finishes a d19 not d20. d3 “Limit release mode selection” is missing from the menu. I shoot Raw so no jpeg options are selected.
Thanks for the book and the video, I’ve used both to help set up my Z8.

David Burns
David Burns
1 year ago

Steve, thank you so much for all the work that you have put into this and for your excellent tuition. I do not have a Z9 or Z8 yet (I have a Z8 on order) but will buy your guide soon so that I will be prepared!
Best wishes,

Brian O'Connor
Brian O'Connor
1 year ago

Hello Steve Firstly my sincere thanks for all the insight and countless information and inspiration that you’ve given me over the past few years. I am sixty six years old and decided after having been on a Safari to South Africa and also visiting BC Canada and experiencing the wildlife that capturing those precious moments should be recorded. So I decided to take up photography, starting in my backyard here in Perth, Western Australia. I am the happiest person today, because I have decided to transition from my Nikon 7500 DSLR to the Nikon Z8 which I will be collecting… Read more »

Carl Yarger
Carl Yarger
1 year ago
Reply to  Steve Perry

My wife and I are in our early 70’s and enjoy shooting birds with our Nikon D500 and D850 cameras. But today our 2 new Nikon z8’s arrived. We are anxious to dig into your teachings as fast as we can. Any helpful advice would be greatly appreciated. Do you do personal contact classes. We live on the border of NE Indiana/ NW Ohio

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