Goodbye, No Shot, D6 Dilemma, It’s You

So, after what may be the briefest podcast series in history – and quite a bit of deliberation – I’m ending it. Unfortunately, every time I send out a new podcast, I get a swarm of e-mail from people who tell me they can’t stand the podcast format. 

Since it’s kind of depressing to know that you’re about to get a bunch of negative mail just before you send out a new podcast – no matter how good the content – I’ve decided to call it quits. My time is incredibly limited, and it just doesn’t make sense to use a format that generates so much anger and frustration when my time could be spent doing something everyone likes. 

Sure, I realize that over time I probably would have developed a new audience that did enjoy podcasts. Still, I’m not willing to alienate my current base of subscribers / followers to do it. So, I’m sticking with videos and articles. 

I do apologize to those of you who did like the podcasts – however the listenership is just not what we expected (not even close, in fact), the podcasts are seldom shared – and never get mentioned anywhere. So it seems those of us who enjoy podcasts are in the minority here. (Of course, I may just be really bad at them!)

Thanks for your support though – truly sorry I have to pull the plug. They were fun 🙂

Here’s the last episode.

Update / Response to comments:

Thanks for the kind words everyone. The biggest problem isn’t so much that people were complaining (LOL, I’d never survive a minute on YouTube if my skin were that thin), the larger issue is what they are complaining about – the format.

When I do videos or articles, I never, ever get complaints about the delivery system (sometimes the content, never the format LOL) – but it happens all the time with podcasts. I want to get my information out to everyone and not have anyone not be able to use / enjoy it because of the delivery format.

I thought about continuing, but honesty, I don’t want to spend lots of time doing something that’s not working for everyone (and no more negative – and yes, sometimes angry – e-mails about podcasts are a nice bonus). At least people were always kind with the public comments 🙂

Again, I do feel bad about ending the podcasts, but my time is terribly limited and I want to reach the maximum number of people I can using the most effective delivery methods I can. Podcasts just aren’t as effective as videos or articles (again, they saw the least traffic of the three).

Thanks for your support and understanding.

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idle breakout
2 years ago

Great idea

3 years ago

Picasso painted with a stick.

4 years ago

I just discovered you and have loved ‘binging’ the entire series, I’ve learnt a lot from these as I drive along. Sorry to see them go. I’ll continue my education via you ebooks and YouTube stuff.

David Pine
4 years ago

Your videos are great. Gripes probably come from Cannon users. I look forward to your videos and ebooks. Keep the faith.

Patrick Molloy
Patrick Molloy
4 years ago

I hear what you’re saying, but don’t let it worry you in any way. Your great videos and books will remain in high demand.

george hartnett
george hartnett
4 years ago

I am really sorry anyone would leave a negative comment about your podcasts or any other form of help that you have always been so generous to share. I like every format you use, including the podcasts. If you need anyone to answer negative mail for you I can help … but on second thought you may not like the negative mail from the replies I would send out. You are helping thousands of people with their photography, and from one of them – thank you.

Alan Williams (UK)
4 years ago

That’s a real shame Steve, I’ll really miss the podcasts .Many thanks for all the effort you put into it

Blake Hornberger
Blake Hornberger
4 years ago

if they don’t like the format they should go somewhere else.
i’m a teacher and I get that from parents. I’ve just gotten thick skinned.
I’ve enjoyed all of your videos and I hate to see them end. too bad a few people ruin it for everybody else.

4 years ago

It was a very interesting last Podcast! I enjoyed all of them and I understand the reasons that made you stop…
Totally agree with the “IT’S YOU” chapter 😉

4 years ago

I’m concerned we will get less info from Steve If people only want video. Video will take a lot of more time to make. So for people who can’t handle podcasts you are running the information we would have learned. You should think of someone other than yourself.

4 years ago

Can’t we take a vote before you make a change?

4 years ago

Sorry to hear this. I actually prefer the podcast because it doesn’t tie me down to the computer. However, I’ll continue to watch for your videos and articles. You’ve always given solid, useful information I can use. You’re writing style for your books is unbeatable – informative, self-deprecating, funny, comprehensive, and more.

4 years ago

Well I liked them and listened to them all. I suppose if you asked me wether they are an improvement or substitute for videos or articles I would say I prefer the latter.

Dalibor Jurčić
Dalibor Jurčić
4 years ago

Hello Steve. Thank you for everything you are doing for us. Your videos helped me a lot. This is my first podcast and I`m very dissappointed because it is also the last. I continue to follow you…

Donald Linn
Donald Linn
4 years ago

Hi Steve:
Sorry this is your last podcast. I do enjoy your books and videos and just purchased your LR series. I think you do a great job in presentin g ypur subject in a concise and easy to understand way. I’m still followin g you.

Dave Newman (UK)
Dave Newman (UK)
4 years ago

steve, completely off the record question. i have the D500 and shoot with the 200-500 lens, what MAX AUTO ISO number would you recommend me to set it too please? i was at max 8000, but many people say thats too high… i shoot wildlife.

Dave Newman (UK)
Dave Newman (UK)
4 years ago
Reply to  Steve Perry

thank you steve for the reply, appreciate that, i will adjust for this weekend…. one other thing, the lowest light i shoot in is forest / woodlands, id like to try and get my shutter speed high enough in case i spot a BIF outside the woods in better light, then im not messing about, trying to find the right setting and miss the shots…. any advice on that? or would i be best using P mode, so the camera picks my SS?

Larry White
Larry White
4 years ago

I think your videos and books are superb. I find you to be an excellent educator and my go to source for Nikon. If I were Nikon, you would be the first to receive the new camera to explore and provide critique. I’ve enjoyed the podcasts and am sad they are going away. Would love to go to Costa Rica or Africa with you but the trips fill up too fast. Thank you for your good work.

Kenneth Elowe
Kenneth Elowe
4 years ago

Thanks for all of your podcasts, videos and books – I’ve learned a LOT.

John Navitsky
John Navitsky
4 years ago

Just a note to say I appreciate, enjoy and have learned from your content. Thanks!

Joost Polderman
Joost Polderman
4 years ago

Sorry to hear you stop with your podcasts Steve. I really loved them. But I keep following you!

Bill Davis
Bill Davis
4 years ago

I find that I get something useful out of all of your presentations, no matter the format. Many thanks for your knowledge and passing it on to those of us that find it very interesting and useful. Now, about that “Birds in Flight” video………..

Sean T
Sean T
4 years ago

Assholes, assholes everywhere, particularly faceless trolls who bitch about anything they don’t understand. I appreciated the podcast and I wish you’d continue it, but I can’t blame you.

Happy shooting Steve

4 years ago

What can I say… I always enjoy your works, so I’m sorry to see the podcast come to an end. In a visual world, I actually enjoy closing my eyes and listening to what you have to say.

Hoping to move to Costa Rica (or possibly Panama) in the coming months, I’d love one day crossing paths. In the meantime take care an I know you’ll keep shooting and sharing!

Cookie Segelstein
Cookie Segelstein
4 years ago

So sorry to hear this is your last. I have enjoyed them all, and enjoyed having something other than radio to listen to while driving…I will continue to follow your youtube and newsletters!

Frank Ciccone
Frank Ciccone
4 years ago

Hi Steve,
I do listen to the podcasts, but given that photography is a visual medium and you excell at your presentation in your videos, I can understand why people may not like an audio only format for a visual medium. So, in essence, you are such an excellent video instructor, you become your own tough act to follow.

Randall Bryett
4 years ago

Oh man after waiting a couple of weeks for a new podcast this is the news!
Really enjoyed the listening to these episodes on my drives before or after shooting.
Wish you would change course again. Can’t believe that people are not happy with a podcast format. More easily consumed than youtube when it is downloaded and you are not in cell service range.
Thanks for making the ones you did.


Antoinette Dever
Antoinette Dever
4 years ago

I am so sorry about no more podcasts. I could listen anywhere, they were great, I want to be as political as I can with my next comment. What are people thinking? If you don’t like it don’t listen to it. We have a super hero for wildlife photography at our fingertips. Be grateful.
Steve, you have changed mine and hundreds of others photography skills. Thank you, thank you.

Hans Widerøe
Hans Widerøe
4 years ago

I’m sorry to ‘see’ your podcasts go, Steve! Podcast is the perfect medium to listen to when you have other things to do, such as tedious work on your photo catalogue. Nevertheless, looking forward to hearing more from you in e-mails and videos!

4 years ago

I appreciate your comments about how preoccupied many photographers are with gear, camera brands, etc. Sorry the podcast didn’t work but I’m looking forward to more articles and videos on shooting techniques, especially when it comes to finding subjects and understanding wildlife behavior. Keep it coming!

4 years ago

Steve – I really enjoyed the podcasts (but I’m biased, its my favorite format). I listened to every one. You were great. But I will still go back to following you on Youtube! Thanks for all you do.

4 years ago

I’m sorry to hear that. I really enjoy listening to the podcast while I’m driving to work. I’m listening to other photography podcasts but there is not many podcasts dedicated to wildlife photography. I wish you all the best with other projects.

Jones Tom
Jones Tom
4 years ago

Steve, I really appreciate all of the content you produce regardless of format and I refer others to your books and videos often. I regret not showing enough love for your work on social media. Will try to do better. Your podcast demise is symptomatic of our society’s hypersensitivity to the vocal minority. One person sues over spilling hot coffee in their lap and the rest of us have to suffer with lukewarm take-out coffee for eternity. I blame the lawyers. My Dad told me if there is one lawyer in town they will starve but if there are two… Read more »

4 years ago

Can’t we have both does it have to always one or the other? Can’t it be Podcasts for something’s and video for other? I like the videos as I’m a visual learner but for many general news update information I’d rather have podcasts than nothing. Time is money and sometimes there’s not enough time to make a video and we should thank Steve for taking the time to share his knowledge and not wine because we are uncomfortable stepping out of are comfort zone. Anyone want cheese with their wine.

John Charles Bruckman
4 years ago

Hi Steve: Your disappointment is very understandable, but if you did not experiment, then you would never make any progress!
Your presentations and quality of teaching materials are always superb, regardless of the format. You are a thought leader in the field and I warmly appreciate the very long days and weeks that you contribute for our progress.


4 years ago

So some of your followers don’t like your “format”. Really? To them I say this is information exchange and be it the form of a podcast, video, or digital downloads it is valuable information that we are receiving and it is FREE. Some people don’t realize the effort that is required to put together these products. They should be happy instead of complaining. I for one enjoy everything you publish regardless of format. Its the information that is what is important to me and not how it is presented. Keep up the good work Steve……..

4 years ago

I really liked the podcasts, it is a very convenient way to get some great info while traveling or commuting. Sorry to hear they are over.
All my appreciation for your work, I will keep following and supporting you for how much I can, does not matter the channel you use to vehiculate your message.


4 years ago

Folks just like to see your smiling face!!

Mike Menegus
4 years ago

I agree, too many photographers are tuned into type of gear rather than getting the most of what they have. My main camera for portrait work is the Nikon D610. It’s an antique compared to the D780 and D850 but I still get the sharpness and detail I expect. It’s coming close to its shutter life and will most likely upgrade to D780 rather than having the shutter replaced. I enjoy podcasts – and I do understand why you’re no longer doing them.

Rodney Hartsfield
Rodney Hartsfield
4 years ago

I understand Steve, I guess im an odd one but I love the podcast, thanks for the ones you have done!!!

Chris Hayes
Chris Hayes
4 years ago

When you first came out with the Pod Cast i was not a fan of the format, largely because i had not done much podcast listening previously. i sent you an e mail telling you so. I was and am a huge Steve Perry fan, i have bought all your books and sent you a donation couple of times too. So while driving home from work, i thought what the heck i will give it a listen. Wow was i wrong, they were terrific, and have listened to all of them and took something from every one of them. I… Read more »

4 years ago

I knew this was too good to last. Personally, I listened to the PC(podcasts) to some It might be considered a hardship to plug in their Device and listen. I realize that Going to YT clicking a link is easier and maybe somewhat more rewarding. I just want to tell you that i love your content and will continue to “watch” You do a great job. It was because of you that i decided to take up wildlife photography.
All the best Steve.

4 years ago

Sorry to hear about this Steve
That is sad
If you gave some people $1.000,000 in $10 bills, they would then complain bitterly about the denomination
Unfortunately, you cannot legislate against the socially unskilled!

Rodney Hartsfield
Rodney Hartsfield
4 years ago
Reply to  Gary


Dale Elliott
Dale Elliott
4 years ago

Steve thank you for all the great information . I really do in joy your videos, these all have be full of great information. Sorry everyone didn’t realize the time and and energy you have to making these. Your words at the end should be something we all take to heart, My self and probably may others !!!!

Susan Scharenberg
Susan Scharenberg
4 years ago

Although podcast format is hard to fit in my day, I made an exception for these, and was always glad I did. The topics were interesting and useful, and I sure appreciated the effort that went into delivering them. Thanks for all you do, Steve!

David Isenhart
David Isenhart
4 years ago

Sorry that some people have given you a bad time about your POD Casts. I can understand not wanting to waste time and energy if some people are to be so negative. Good luck and best wishes in the future.

Rob Raker
Rob Raker
4 years ago

It was refreshing to hear the perspective of a working pro sharing information, in your podcasts, with hobbyists in a theater-of-the-mind format.
Hearing from someone who takes details and gives a 30,000 ft perspective helps a lot.
I’m reminded of a Yogi Berra quote on this occasion: “The future ain’t what it used to be.”

Steve in FL
Steve in FL
4 years ago

I can’t improve on the overwhelmingly positive feedback so eloquently posted here. It’s well deserved. I’m retired and nature photography is my hobby. You’ve enhanced my enjoyment by helping me with gear selection, photo technique and, most importantly, to appreciate and respect the wildlife that we seek to record. I’ll be watching/reading/listening to you in any format that you choose to provide.

Allan Malenfant
Allan Malenfant
4 years ago

Sorry to hear the podcast didn’t workout this time, but we’ll be still hear waiting for your next words of wisdom. So don’t feel bad about trying something new and definitely don’t do anything that brings you down. I’ve learned from you and always waiting for your next awesome book! 🙂 please keep up your good work and keep your creative self happy!

4 years ago

I am sorry to hear you are ending your podcasts, but totally understand. All your information, no matter the format is so informative and I really appreciate all your efforts! You are my favorite photographer and love all your work! Keep up the great work and look forward to more of your great content!

Richard Jennings
Richard Jennings
4 years ago

Thanks for your efforts launching a podcast. Podcasts are nice when you just do not have the time to watch a video. Regardless, your information is always highly valued no matter the format.
Keep up the excellent work

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