Category Archives: Techniques


10 Ways To Instantly Improve Your Wildlife Photography

In this video, I’ll share ten compositional and artistic techniques you can instantly leverage to create better photos. The truth is, while things like new gear and technology are nice, when it comes to creating truly great images those considerations take a distant back seat to the kind of time-test …

Also posted in Wildlife

Too Close? Unlock The Power Of Wildlife Panos!

Have you ever found yourself too close to your wildlife subject? You go to frame up your critter and discover you’re in way too tight for a useable shot. I know, the opposite problem is far more prevalent, but there are times an animal pops out of nowhere or approaches …

Also posted in Photoshop Tricks, Using Your Gear, Wildlife

Does Cropping Make Your Photos Noisy?!

Does cropping fill your photos with more noise? Is not filling the frame killing your images? Is there any way to stop it?

In this video, we’ll explore comparative output and see first-hand the effects that cropping can have on the noise of our final output image. This is one …

Also posted in Using Your Gear, Wildlife

Shoot Razor Sharp Images From Your Car!

A car makes a fantastic blind and often allows you to approach wildlife at a much closer range than you can ever dream of on foot.

However, the excitement many photographers feel when they capture an amazing image is quickly replaced by disappointment when closely examining their photos. Too often, …

Also posted in Using Your Gear, Wildlife

Exposure Compensation Made Easy!

Exposure compensation – I don’t think there’s another exposure control that causes more confusion. In fact, I think most people are in for a surprise or two when they watch this one!

In this video, we’ll explore every aspect of exposure compensation and knock confusion to the curb. We’ll discuss what …

Also posted in Landscapes, Using Your Gear, Wildlife

Game Changer: Keep Multiple Animals Sharp At The Same Time

Have you ever run into a situation where you had multiple animals in the frame and just couldn’t find a way to keep them all sharp at the same time – even when you stopped down?

This is actually a really common problem for close and mid-range shots of small …

Also posted in Photoshop Tricks, Wildlife

8 Secrets For Sharper Wildlife Photos

Do you want sharper wildlife photos? Are you tired of deleting otherwise amazing shots because of sharpness issues? Then take a look at this quick ten minute video where I’ll share eight different field-tested (and time-tested) methods for consistently securing tack-sharp wildlife images!

As always, your comments and shares are …

Also posted in Using Your Gear, Wildlife

Video Workshop – Focus Shift Shooting (Nikon)

Have you ever wanted to try Nikon’s Focus Shift Shooting and just weren’t sure where to start?  

Have you ever wondered… 

What is Focus Shift Shooting? How do I use it? How do I set the menu? How do I set the camera? How do I know what to do in the …

Also posted in Lightroom Tips, Misc, Nikon Gear, Photoshop Tricks, Using Your Gear, Workshop

Spot Metering Crash Course

Wanna get the most out of your spot meter? Did you know that most people think they’re using it correctly but they really aren’t? YIKES – could that be you???

In this video, we’ll go over what spot metering is, where the camera spot meters in the viewfinder, how the …

Also posted in Nikon Gear, Using Your Gear, Wildlife

5 Metering & Exposure Tips Every Nikon User Needs To Know

Want to get more from your Nikon metering system? In this video, I’ll show you five quick tips that every Nikon user really needs to know. I take advantage of these tips and tricks all the time in the field – and surprisingly, most people I encounter seldom know any …

Also posted in Nikon Gear, Using Your Gear