Pro Secrets: Depth Of Field, Lens Magnification, And Field Of View!

In this video, we’ll explore how you can use an interesting depth-of-field property to improve your photography. In addition, we’ll expand on that first tip and I’ll show some killer tips for background control using lens magnification and field of view!

The topics in this video are seldom discussed – heck, many people don’t know about them at all – but they have a tremendous impact on your photography!

Check it out – this one is really cool!

PS – If you enjoyed this post, I think you’ll REALLY like my e-books and video workshops! Thousands of pages and hours of videos filled with tips, tricks, and techniques – all my best content! Check ’em out – click here (hey, it’s free to look).

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Patrick Laundra
10 months ago

thanks Steve, I love your information.

Last edited 10 months ago by Patrick Laundra
10 months ago

Great info as always, thank you.

Steve H
Steve H
10 months ago

Again… Thank you so much for sharing this incredible information. This is, as always, something I will be able to take to the field every time I go shooting! You are such a generous person!
It’s getting kind of funny; I get up in the morning and if I see an email from you in my mailbox, it’s like getting a present, I can’t wait to open it, and I am always elated!
Thank-you, Thank-you, Thank-you…
Steve H

Dan Nixon
Dan Nixon
10 months ago

Steve, your presentations are among my most favorite. You explain a subject thoroughly and clearly, plus you are always enthusiastic.

David Burns
David Burns
10 months ago

Steve, that is a very challenging concept to explain! Very well done!