Nikon FTZ Essential Info And Speed Tests

So, what do you really know about the Nikon FTZ adapters for the Z series mirrorless? In this video, we’ll reveal everything you need to know about the Nikon FTZ adapters, as well as answer questions like:

Does the FTZ adapter slow down F-mount lenses? (This is a shocker)
Does the FTZ adapter hurt image quality?
Can you use Z-mount TCs with the FTZ adapter?
Why is the FTZ adapter so thick?
Is there any difference between the original FTZ and the new one?

And so much more! If you’re a Nikon mirrorless shooter, you owe it to yourself to watch this quick 8-minute video!


Quick follow-up.

There have been a few comments here and elsewhere wondering about the AF speed of the gripped D850 + ENEL18 battery and un-gripped D850 + the normal battery and how that affects speed as well as how the lenses would preform on a D6. I’ve been saying that I believe the speed is the same, but it was bugging me since I haven’t actually tested it.

So, I just grabbed the 600E and tested with D850 with and without the grip (all batteries in question fully charged). Yup, both are the same. 1/2 second (15 frames @ 30FPS). 🙂

I no longer own a D6, however, I did do this same test awhile back when comparing AF speed of the Nikon 600mm to the Sony 600mm (I never published it because it would cause too much bickering in the comments). At any rate, I loaded the video clip, checked the speed, and the D6 also takes 1/2 second to focus from minimum focus distance to infinity.

I contend that the speeds we’re seeing both from the Z9 and and the D850 (and the D6) are simply the fastest speeds the AF motor can get the lens from minimum focus to infinity. These cameras are running the lens at top speed.

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Gavin Swonnell
2 years ago

Great video Steve, thanks for all the info!
Have you speed tested the Z9 with Z glass vs Z9 using the FTZ adaptor with f glass? Particularly in the 120fps mode?

2 years ago

Steve, awhile back you gave a short video on how to get the Nikon 500mm, 5.6 PF lens when those lenses were almost impossible to get. I took your advice, and soon was able to get one fairly quickly. Now, can you do a short video on how to get the Z9? I have my name on many lists but still no camera in site. Any recommendations as to a plan for a better chance of getting one. And, why is Nikon’s products so hard to get. Canon’s new R3 is out, and I bet you can get one fairly… Read more »

Glenn Phillips
2 years ago

Steve, I use the Apple Photos app. to store my photos. I recently purchased a z9 and found out the download to Photos is not now possible. Is this a firmware update that Nikon needs to initiate or is this an adjustment that Apple needs to make to their Photos app. to accommodate the Z9. I noticed that there is an online list of cameras that are compatible with Photos that includes Nikon cameras thru the Z7ii. How soon can an update be expected?

John McEvoy
John McEvoy
2 years ago

This debate is reminiscent of the medieval discussion of how many angels could fit on the head of a pin…. If the autofocus, whether gripped, ungripped, DSLR, mirrorless, standard battery or big battery is faster than I can focus and is more reliable than my eyesight most of the time, then, by definition, it’s better than I am and that’s enough for me .

Koos Erasmus
Koos Erasmus
3 years ago

Steve, do you have an opinion on how fast (or slowly) the Z6II/Z7II will drive autofocus on a native Z-mount lens compared to the same lens on a Z9?

John Ehrenfeld
3 years ago

I watched the video and am unclear as to the Z9 performance with the adapter and 600mm f4 lens when lens is hunting hunting. Let’s say a bird in flight.

John Ehrenfeld
3 years ago
Reply to  John Ehrenfeld

Can someone answer please?

Kenneth E Huffman
Kenneth E Huffman
3 years ago

Hopefully yHopefully you will post all your Z9 settings for wildlife photography like you’ve done with other cameras. Thanks

Paul Lancaster
3 years ago

Hi Steve
Good to see this video. Very interesting.
Also I wonder if your planning to update your focus guides, or create a new guide for the Z9 AF options. I’ve yet to receive my Z9, but I gather there are many more AF combinations with the Z9, and you are a trusted resource to work through the options and present the facts, instead of others that guess they know the answers.
Let me know if you need some pennys in the bank to sponsor the guide.

Best regards, Paul.

Wayne Ware
Wayne Ware
3 years ago

If I make a jump to mirrorless, I see Nikons mirrorless do well with my Nikon lenses with adapters but what about going to Sony with my Nikon lenses or do I loose too much?

Wayne Ware
Wayne Ware
3 years ago
Reply to  Steve Perry

thanks, enjoy all you do to help us.

Allen Hinnant
3 years ago

I would be interested to know if you see a sharpness change when you use a Z mount TC with a z lens. Thanks for your great work!!

3 years ago

Steve, just curious if you knew how the AF speed compared between the Z9 and a D6 or D5? Since the Z9 is supposed to be a top of the line pro camera, I think that may be a better comparison than with the D850.

3 years ago

Excellent video in all respects and thanks for producing it. Especially interested with the use of the TC-14 III with the Z9 and D850. Autofocus depends on contrast detection and with half as much light coming in with the teleconverter your tests show the superiority of the new Z9 autofocus system over the older system used in the D850 (and D500, D5, and for the most part the D6). Speed gain of Z9 over Z6 is to be expected with the larger capacity and higher voltage battery that can drive the servos at a higher rate.

Bill Boswell
Bill Boswell
3 years ago

One of the people that I trust for an accurate comprehensive review. Great news for using my F mount lenses with my new Z9.

3 years ago

Thanks for the FTZ tests. But I have an instinctive belief, admittedly without a basis, that the z6 should have been replaced in your test with a z7ii so all three cameras had @ 45 mp’s and current versions of their technology. Just as you can’t explain why the z9 did so well, I can’t explain a reason for my concern about the testing method. To paraphrase Bill Maher: I can’t prove it’s true, I just know it’s true. 🙂

Any reason for using the lower pixel camera to represent the 1st iteration of mirrorless Nikons?

3 years ago

Good job, Steve. Looking forward to your Z9 setup suggestions and general review. BTW, could you also advise me when you add the Z9 info to your new book (Secrets To The Nikon Autofocus System – Mirrorless edition). Cheers!

3 years ago
Reply to  Steve Perry

Thank you.

Chris Taylor
Chris Taylor
3 years ago

Thanks Steve. I continue to be amazed at how some other reviewers – who I generally appreciate – don’t get down to really checking how things work in the real world with repeatable tests. You always go the extra mile to cover things completely. The last time I ran into this was when you explained exactly what is happening with the values you choose for “focus step width” in Nikon’s “focus shift shooting” in your book “Secrets to the Nikon Autofocus System – Mirrorless Edition”. That item alone was worth the price of the ebook to me!

David Sneddon
David Sneddon
3 years ago

Another greatly informative video Steve. First rate man. Looking good by the way. Stay safe and well mat.

Mike D
Mike D
3 years ago

Great information on the FTZ adapters/TC’s and I can’t wait to see your Z9 review!

Massimo Morelli
Massimo Morelli
3 years ago

Video molto interessante, grazie!

Jay Schmitt
Jay Schmitt
3 years ago

Great overview of the FTZ adapters. This provides additional motivation to go with the Z9 and use my 200-500 lens (and others). This will greatly reduce the initial cost of going to mirrorless (for now).

Irene Hinke-Sacilotto
3 years ago
Reply to  Jay Schmitt

Regarding using the Z9 camera: With non-z lens such as my 200-500 mm Nikon lens with the FTZII, do you keep the vibration reduction (VR) in the lens PLUS in the Z9 camera.

Jay Schmitt
Jay Schmitt
3 years ago

Irene: I do not own the Z9 (at this time) – just making the comment of being able to use the 200-500 lens (currently have the D500). One could test the VR on/off though.

Steven C Pumilia
Steven C Pumilia
3 years ago

Great video and very useful information….. this was something I was waiting for…… now I will go back to waiting on the Z9.

Brian Downey
Brian Downey
3 years ago

Steve, off topic, you look healthy, and seem to have fully recovered. Good to see you working!!!

Dawood Afzal
Dawood Afzal
3 years ago

Thanks. The overview of the FTZ and FTZII adapters was very helpful.

Joe Schmitt
Joe Schmitt
3 years ago

Excellent useful information! Thank you very much!

Daniel Cogan
Daniel Cogan
3 years ago

Thanks again for some very worthwhile information! It may help a lot of us decide whether or not the Z9 should be added to our bags.

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