The #1 Sharpness Killer For Wildlife Shooters

As wildlife and bird photographers, we will go to just about any length to secure tack-sharp photos of our subjects. However, there’s one insidious cause of blurry wildlife and bird photos that often files under the radar – and is the #1 reason for sharpness problems with long glass.

The issue? Heat refraction, heat haze, heat shimmer – it goes by a half dozen names but the bottom line is that it’s killing your sharpness. In this video, we’ll talk about what it is, what causes it, how it affects your photos, where / when it’s most common, and what YOU can do about it!

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wordle unlimited
1 month ago

It’s so cool

Russell Wilson
Russell Wilson
2 months ago

This explains a lot of images that I’ve scratched my head over! Thanks, Steve.

3 months ago

Great video