Backcountry Gallery Needs Your Help!

Can you help?

Look, I hate to ask, but I really do need your help. I absolutely love giving away informational videos, photo tips, doing gear tests, all the stuff that’s free here on the site.

However, it all comes at a cost in both time and money (OK, especially money).

Normally, I’d like to pull this off without asking for any help, but the expense in gear, time, and travel tend to tend to take their toll on my checking account.

There are a couple ways you can help. 

The first is with a voluntary contribution. The truth is, if everyone who enjoyed the free how-to videos and articles would just drop by this page once a year and toss in $5 ~ $10 it would make a huge difference. I know that not everyone can afford it, and if making a contribution would be ANY kind of hardship I would ask you to pass.

However, if you enjoy the content and can afford to help, I would truly appreciate any assistance you can give.

To contribute, simply fill out the form below and hit the submit button. Please only contribute what you can afford and, again, my sincere thanks.


Note – the default value is $10, but you can change the amount to anything between $2 and $50. Paypal and all major credit cards gratefully accepted. Also, when you click the button it will take you to our Paypal cart. Click the “Check out with Paypal” button and you’ll have an option for both Paypal and regular credit cards. Thanks again!

The second way you can help is by heading to the page below and clicking on any of the affiliate links. I earn a small commission for any purchase you make and your support is greatly appreciated!

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