
Questions, Comments, Concerns?

I love getting your feedback and comments and I’m always happy to help with problems. However, sometimes it’s quicker to take the do-it-yourself route. So, before you submit the contact form below, check out this info first:

E-Book and Video Questions / Problems / Downloading

If you ordered one of our e-books or videos after January 1st, 2020 and can’t find the video or download, head to the My Account area of our cart and log in (if needed). Once you’re in, you’ll see tabs on the left for E-Books and Video Workshops. Just give the appropriate one a click and you’ll be all set.

If you ordered before January 1st 2020 and need to recover a download link, click here for a recovery page that you can use to get your receipt and download link resent to your e-mail address (it’s not charging you again, just sending the original transaction info). Note that from time to time overly ambitious e-mail filters will sometimes place your order into the Spam or Junk folder. If this doesn’t work, please contact me ASAP. 

If you’re having issues getting an e-book to your computer or device, check out the help page at this link

If you’re having issues getting the video workshop to your computer or device, check out this help link for video

Finally, please, please, please check out our FAQs before using the form below. There’s a good chance the answer to your question is there already 🙂

Photography Help

I’m always happy to try to help with photography questions, however, please know that at this point in time, there’s probably less than a 50-50 chance I’ll be able to get back to you. I’ve been completely overwhelmed by questions and I can only spend so much time each day in answering general photography questions. So, if I can, I’ll get back to you, but please don’t take it personally if I can’t. (That said, even if I can’t get back to you, I may turn your question into an article.) 

Everything Else

First, check out the FAQ page 🙂 If the answer isn’t there, just fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you soon. Please note that I frequently travel to remote locations without internet, so sometimes it can be a few days.